Reasons Why You Should Keep Taking Birth Control During Quarantine

Let’s face it, taking birth control feels meaningless when you haven’t spread your legs in so long you would need WD-40 just to pry them open again. Doctors recommend we stay protected on the pill, but why? You may have forgotten how helpful birth control is for reasons beyond contraceptive purposes. Here are a few things to keep in mind before muting your pill reminder app.
It Keeps Your Cycle Regular
It is no secret taking birth control pills will keep your menstrual cycle regular and consistent, but did you know it is a great way to check in on your bodily health? Your time of the month reveals information about how well your body is functioning, and if any improvements need to be made. A regular period means critical areas like your thyroid and hormones are running at one-hundred-percent power. An inconsistent period can lead to mood changes, weight gain, and can indicate an underlying health problem. Besides, periods occurring more often or lasting longer than planned only helps to burn through hygiene products. Why spend the extra cash on tampons anyways?
It Reduces Hormonal Breakouts
This may have been the reason why you started taking birth control in your teens. Hormonal acne usually occurs around or below the mouth and trying to hide it with makeup does not make it any less uncomfortable. This happens because hormones increase the oil production in your face. Along with acne, hormones can cause unwanted hair growth around your chin, back, and chest. You can thank androgens – hormones that help produce male traits and reproductive activity – for that gift. Thankfully, birth control prevents androgen levels from spiking so you can have clear skin the entire month.
It Reduces Risks of Disease or Other Health Conditions
Here’s a brief list of everything birth control fights to prevent for you: uterine cancer, ovarian cysts, anemia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, and pelvic inflammatory disease. For those who may already have a polycystic ovarian syndrome, birth control helps to regulate periods which otherwise may not have ever occurred. Even if you have the best health in the world right now, birth control is going to keep scary things like cancer away from you in the future – if you keep using it. The risk of developing ovarian cancer goes down as the number of years you use birth control increases.
It Makes Periods Less Painful
Cramps are not just painful. They can be pure torture. Sometimes pain killers don’t even help! Birth control can help lessen the intensity of period cramps, pain, abdominal aches, and bloating. Because they prevent ovulation, they also prevent the cramps typically involved. Over time, the pain you would usually feel is supposed to gradually lessen. But cramps aren’t the only affliction periods bring – menstrual migraines are another one of mother nature’s nasty side effects. Migraines can turn a normal afternoon into a long nap in a dark, quiet room with a warm towel on your head. Birth control keeps estrogen levels at a safe level throughout your cycle, which prevents headaches from forming.
It Can Treat Endometriosis
If you have endometriosis, then this may have been why you started taking birth control, to begin with. Endometriosis is less likely to progress while you’re on the pill. Most importantly, symptoms of endometriosis can be masked by birth control, which means less pain. Skipping the placebo pills in your packet can eliminate period pain altogether, which for those suffering from endometriosis can be a godsend. Not taking birth control means endometriosis goes back to its normal disease state in a matter of months, so suppressing menstruation with birth control may be the healthiest option.
It Can Reduce the Length of Your Period
Just think of the number of days you menstruate each month and start counting down. That’s how life is on birth control. Suppressing ovulation means the lining of the uterus stays thin, so you bleed less. The difference is instead of spending a full week on your period it only happens for a few days. That’s like trading an overnight pad for a panty liner. Just a few days, and you’re free!
It Treats Symptoms of Perimenopause
If you have ever witnessed your mom or relative go through menopause, then you know it is no picnic. Perimenopause is what leads up to menopause when periods become increasingly irregular due to changing hormones. Birth control can help regulate those periods, lessen pain and reduce symptoms. By providing synthetic forms of estrogen and progesterone, birth control tricks the body into not noticing the natural decline of these hormones. That means fewer hot flashes, better sleep, a balanced mood, and zero acne. Do you really want to be having acne as a middle-aged woman?
Because You’re Happy with Your Family the Way It Is
Maybe you already have a kid or two of your own. In the hustle and bustle of working from home and homeschooling your children, you can’t really blame anyone for forgetting to take a pill. But if you aren’t ready for cramps, mood swings, and the chance to add another member to the family, there are other options available. The IUD, patch, shot, implant, and vaginal ring are all ways to uninstall your pill reminder app. If for any reason you prefer to stay on the pill but are worried about making a trip to the pharmacy, check if they offer delivery. Asking your insurance provider for delivery options works too.
To Eliminate Your Period
Why? The real question here is, why not? Stress, pregnancy, pain, PMS, pads, having to wear ugly grandma panties for a week…you name it. Regular monthly bleeding does not have any health benefits. Although it may seem unnatural to stop your period altogether, it is completely safe. If anything, not bleeding has more benefits! Not just because it prevents anemia, but also just for peace of mind. No surprises on the butt of your pants in the middle of a workday, no sudden headaches, and no mood swings. Is that not complete and total peace of mind?
To Improve Your Mental Health
Speaking of peace of mind, regulating your hormones can help improve your mental health. Mood swings even as severe as the ones found with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder can be reduced with birth control. This results in fewer depressive episodes before the starting of a period. Certain other types of depression can also be alleviated with birth control, like postpartum depression, which can develop into postpartum psychosis if untreated. In summary, birth control helps you feel more like you.
How do you feel about taking birth control? Which method do you prefer? Do you think it is worth taking during quarantine? Share below!
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