10 Reasons Why We Are Looking Forward To Freeform’s The Bold Type

Freeform’s The Bold Type has been renewed for a second season. The show follows three women and friends as they follow their dreams and rock the New York City journalism scene. There are few shows that are as empowering as this, so the second season is something to look forward to.
1. Women supporting women
Women get a bad rep for always being in competition with each other. However, a key to feminism becoming more mainstream is women supporting the success of other women. It is refreshing to see this play out on television.
2. Women being successful, especially in journalism
The concept of women putting their careers above relationships and family is still taboo to many. These women are not focused on relationships right now, while they would not argue if it happened. They are successful in their careers and there is no stopping them.
3. Romance and sex are discussed openly
The thought of women discussing their sexuality openly is not something that is widely accepted. These women discuss it with each other and are opening the doors for others to do the same. If guys can, then women can too.
4. A lesbian couple is celebrated
While this detail does not draw too much attention to itself, it is there. Same-sex couples are becoming more and more prevalent in the media. Many of these couples are male, so it is crucial to see two women in a relationship.
Image Source: http://www.craveyoutv.com5. Important issues are discussed
In the final episode of season one, the topic of sexual assault was brought up. The editor ensured that the facts were checked for this article, which covers the safety of the survivors as well as fact-checking in journalism. Many more relevant and important issues were discussed throughout season one. Freeform’s The Bold Type covered a lot of hto topics in the first season.
6. Mistakes are seen as learning opportunities
When women make mistakes, they are often looked down on and are viewed as inferior. When men make mistakes, they are often brushed off as not a big deal. Seeing women having the opportunity to learn from mistakes and move on is groundbreaking and important.
7. A woman runs the magazine
The editor-in-chief of Scarlet Magazine is a woman. Many woman-geared magazines and companies still have men as the lead. To see that a woman is leading a successful company is inspiring to rising journalists as well as women in any field.
8. New York City just rocks
What can we say? New York City is an awesome city that is glamorous and high-energy. It is fun, but many people will tell women who want to live there that it is tough. Seeing these three women rock the city as well as they do is inspirational.
9. It shows journalism at its best
The stories being pursued are important and the facts are being checked. The employees may make mistakes, but it shows how to move on and learn from them. The show also covers topics such as an interview subject’s image, which is a constant issue in journalism.
Image Source: https://www.variety.com10. Women are encouraged to go outside of their comfort zones
The three main characters are not only encouraged to thrive where they are, but they are also encouraged to try new things and chase new opportunities. Many women are forced to remain where they are and are not encouraged to go further. This show is changing this concept for the better.
Are you looking forward to Freeform’s The Bold Type? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Ashley is a recent graduate from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with her Bachelor's in journalism. She love writing articles about music and Philadelphia. Ashley would love to pursue a career in journalism in New York City.