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10 Reasons Why Thrifting Is All The Rage And Why You Should Try It

10 Reasons Why Thrifting Is All The Rage And Why You Should Try It

There are great thrift stores around University Of Minnesota. Here is a list of some of the most popular thrift stores in Minnesota that are near thrift stores around University Of Minnesota. Here are the best thrift stores in Minneapolis.

We live in a time were Goodwill and Salvation Army are reclaiming their fame. Growing up, it’s easy to feel as though we need to have all name-brand and designer items, or else we wouldn’t fit in and ultimately reign as loser supreme. Thank heavens times have changed! Thrift stores are gaining more popularity as individuals apart of this generation are transforming their styles into one-of-a-kind vibes that not just anyone can achieve or set their hands on. Fashion allows the freedom of expression for women and men and everyone in between, and thrifting is an awesome way to create or expand your style in your own terms. Here are the top five reasons why thrifting is all the rage and why you should try it!


Let’s be real, the main perk of thrifting is the price! You can find some vintage, name-brand items for way, way less than original retail price. A cart full of thrifted clothes can easily come out to the same price of one pair of designer jeans!


Finding something that’s been thrifted is always a precious gem. Most likely, no one will be sporting the vintage windbreaker you found, or the Levi’s you were lucky enough to set your hands on. Finding unique pieces entail for a completely original wardrobe from every other boy and girl in our generation.


3.Gender Neutrality

Thrifting is great for gender neutral clothing. Larger sizes are quite in style for some clothing items, so scoring a men’s sweatshirt is like gold! Men can even find cool sunglasses, button-up tops, funky prints or hats that would traditionally be worn by females and transform it into a very cool vintage ‘fit. Jewelry fits the bill, as well!

4.Online Influence

If you’re a fan of vloggers on YouTube (think Emma Chamberlain), you know that a lot of them are fans of thrifting. In a lot of their vlogs, they include their thrifting finds and let’s be honest, 10/10 items are down-right cute! Thrifting is gaining popularity, and online influencers who are so heavily involved in the thrifting world are letting viewers know (and see) that being unique is actually really freaking cool. 2018 is loaded with trends, but a lot of these trends can be challenged and ultimately overshadowed by unique finds from thrift shops!

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Pairing new items with thrifted items is one of the many amazing parts of thrifting. Just because you thrifted a pair of awesome jeans doesn’t mean you can’t wear them with a super cute blouse you found from a normal retailer, complete with name-brand sneakers. The pairing of the two makes for super unique outfits that only you have! No one will ever know if your vintage sunglasses aren’t designer, and honestly, who cares! If they’re cute and don’t break your bank, more power to ya!

Apart from the cool trends of 2018, don’t be afraid to take a chance and shop around at your local thrift stores. You can even thrift furniture, books, and other cool, hidden gems! You never know what you might find, and I hope these 5 reasons why thrifting is all the rage motivates you to try it out for yourself.

Comment down below some of your favorite thrift stores!