20 Reasons Why The University Of Pittsburgh Is The Absolute Best

As my second year at Pitt is almost half way over, I am lucky enough to love my school even more than I did when I first started here. We all now know that Pitt is the best public school in PA AND now the best in the North East, but if you wanted to know why here is a couple of reasons why so many people choose to ~HAIL TO PITT~. Keep reading for 20 reasons why The University of Pittsburgh is the absolute best!
1. Our location!
As far as college campuses go Pitt really has it all. We are in a city, but we also have plenty of grassy areas and parks within steps from the dorms. It isn’t shocking that Pitt is the 23rd best location for all colleges in the US.
2. The Cathedral of Learning.
I literally cannot stress enough the importance of Cathy to the students here at Pitt. Everyone is familiar with her external beauty, but only Pitt students understand how pretty the inside is too. No wonder our girl Cath resembles Hogwarts more than any other building at any other college.
3. Good eats everywhere you go!
Hello bistro, Pamela’s, Asia tea house, and The Porch have changed my life for the better and that’s just within walking distance -don’t get me started on the food in the rest of the city.
4. Affordability!
University of Pittsburgh is a public university, but has benefits and opportunities for its students that even some private schools do not have. For the price we pay in tuition we get so much more out of it, landing us the #1 spot for best college in PA (public or private) for the value of education.
5. Our sports teams are tough to beat.
We’re so lucky to go to a school with an amazing football team (I mean who doesn’t love James Connors) AND also a basketball team which makes us proud to be a part of the ~Oakland zoo~. We also get to root for the Penguins, Steelers, and Pirates, with discounted student tickets to all of these games.
6. H2P I can’t imagine a better school motto than Hail to Pitt. H2P just rolls right of the tongue and truly never gets old.
7. Our school colors.
Everyone looks good in navy blue and gold it’s just a fact.
8. Heinz Field!
We get to play all of our games at Heinz Field which is the same stadium that the Steelers play at.
The view of the water and the rest of the city is so beautiful, whether it’s a day or night game.
9. Remember when we beat Penn State?!
Sorry to my lovely best friend who goes to PSU, but having the satisfaction of knowing that we are better than Penn State will NEVER get old to everyone here at Pitt. #weareNOT
10. You’ll never run out of South Side bars to choose from.
It’s also super cool to be just miles away from the highest concentration of bars in the US (If you’re 21).
11. Free buses for all Pitt students!
Pittsburgh is an amazing city that doesn’t get nearly enough credit. Free access to public transportation gives students the opportunity to explore the #1 most livable city in the US.
12. PITT Public Health came up with a vaccine for the Zika virus.
And Polio way back in 1953.
13. Endless extracurricular activities.
Pitt is a medium sized school, but has extra curricular options to the likes of big schools. Whether you want to go Greek, play a club sport, get an internship, study abroad or all of the above Pitt has it all.
14. Our tailgate season can’t be beat.
Pitt students truly do know how to tailgate. We might not have open grassy fields like some schools, but we make gravel just as fun by waking up aggressively early to celebrate GAME DAYS.
I always get told that many schools listen to sweet Caroline at football games and it isn’t “our song”, but only Pitt students know the true importance of this song and would never turn down an opportunity to sing their hearts out and sway along to this classic.
That is all.
17. Free T-shirts on free T-shirts.
Just in 3 semesters here at Pitt I’ve acquired enough free, t-shirts, sweatshirts, posters, etc. to last a life time. And honestly what college kid doesn’t love free stuff.
18. Professors who really care.
So far I have had great experiences with all of my professors. Even in big lecture classes, teachers always make their students their top priority by being approachable and available, which has already made my academic experience here at Pitt enjoyable.
19. Safety first!
Pittsburgh is a beautiful city with many exciting neighborhoods to explore, and best of all for my mom it is the 3rd safest city in America.
If you’re still somehow not convinced that Pitt is the best, just take a look at the ranking here. #H2P