10 Reasons Why The University of Missouri Is The Absolute Best

I, along with probably 90% other high school seniors, used to be obsessed with going to school in the East. There’s no way I would go to a public university that’s in the south or mid-west, especially when I wouldn’t even be getting the benefit of in-state tuition. However, I ended up going to Mizzou, and here’s why you should too. Keep reading for 10 reasons why The University of Missouri is the absolute best!
1. The Alumni
Mizzou has got amazing alumni. Jon Hamm, Time Kaine, Sheryl Crow, Brad Pitt (though he never graduated), Tennessee Williams are among the most notable ones. Just a subtle way of saying that Mizzou basically bleeds talent, no big deal.
2. The Diversity
Mizzou is one place where you will find people from different countries, races, religions, sexuality. The campus is so diverse, you will never feel like an outsider, no matter what your background may be. So come to Mizzou and get ready to soak in all that culture!
3. The Party Scene
If you didn’t know already, Mizzou is famous for its immense Greek life. With more than 30 fraternities on campus, it is not surprising that we know how to throw some sick parties. It is not every day you get to spend Halloween taking free shots of Moonshine vodka! So if you’re in town even just for a weekend, make sure to check them out, they are that fun.
4. The Maneater
Not only do we have one of the best Journalism Schools in the country, our student run newspaper is an honor to work for. Four time winner of The Pacemaker Award, this news publication hires students from all majors, giving them a perfect opportunity to gain experience, work with amazing people and boost their resume.
5. The Traditions
There are just so many traditions this university follows, they are bound to make you feel like a part of one family. Rubbing the nose of the statue of David R. Francis for good luck on your exam, taking a dunk in the fountain, riding the tiger statue in Tiger Plaza, running through the columns towards the university your freshman year with free ice cream and running away from the university your senior year with a beer are only a few of those traditions that you have to be a part of if you are a Tiger! All of it together just promotes school spirit like no other.
6. Homecoming
Homecoming is a big tradition in every college, but Mizzou is where it originated, back in 1911. A week long festival, Mizzou Homecoming features the biggest blood drive, parade, decorating the district, flag football, homecoming tailgate, talent competition, banner decoration and the football game. Parents, siblings, fellow Columbia residents and even people from neighboring cities come to campus that day to see the parade and cheer for the Tigers. Homecoming truly made me feel the Tiger pride.
7. The Town Itself
Columbia is a small town with a giant university and it makes one of the best college towns you could live in. With multiple restaurants (both chains and locals), movie theatres, bowling alleys, the big mall, bars, and nightclubs, it gives you plenty of options to however you would want to spend your weekend nights. For something different, you could go hiking to The Pinnacles for a date, or a karaoke bar with friends.
8. The Campus
One tour of this campus, and you will be in. Jesse Hall, The Columns and the Memorial Student Union are few of the landmarks of Mizzou. If you enjoy beautiful architecture, this is the place to be. Plus, we have a huge botanic garden spread across campus featuring over 40,000 different plants.
9. Involvement
There is something for everybody here. With more than 600 clubs and organizations, multiple leadership, and service opportunities, you will never feel like this is not your place. Despite the huge influence of Greek Life, you won’t have to rush frats/sororities in order to make connections or get volunteering experience.
10. Travel Opportunities
It’s a known fact that everyone loves traveling. Mizzou has some of the most amazing study abroad programs for all majors, in the most extravagant cities you could think of. Because of this, not only you get to spend a semester (or year) having crazy experiences in a beautiful country, you get to do that while taking classes in some of the most widely known universities the world. Besides that, there’s programs of just travelling within the US, while serving others. Last semester I participated in a Mizzou Alternative Break program, where we drove to Kentucky to serve a women’s shelter. I got to explore a new place, build friendships and volunteer on a farm for a week and it was one of the better experiences of my freshman year.
Featured photo source: pinterest.com

Tashfia is a freshman at Mizzou, double majoring in psych and business. She loves shopping, burgers, travelling and movies. She already has a very lengthy bucket list. The show FRIENDS has pretty much consumed her soul.