20 Reasons Why The University Of Michigan Is The Absolute Best

I’ve learned so much during my time at the University of Michigan. From playing my first opera (#musicmajor) to weeping over my first finance exam (thank you, business school), this academic experience has been a wild ride. But that’s not all that U of M has to offer. From quaint cafes to burgeoning book stores, top sports teams to kooky clubs, here are 20 reasons why the University of Michigan is the absolute best.
1. It’s in the name. University of Michigan: Leaders and Best.
If that doesn’t make it official, I don’t know what will.
2. We have a “Squirrel Club.”
3. Jabrill Peppers. Enough said.
4. Our mascot is a forest animal that is both adorable, and has the ability to maul your face off.
These are two qualities I like to foster within myself.
5. We have the University Musical Society!
A nonprofit that casually brings some of the best performing groups to Hill Auditorium…and we can see these amazing shows at student ticket prices.
6. Welcome Wednesdays.
Every Wednesday, all you have to do is flash your M Card to the volunteers at the Alumni Center, and you’ll be given a free bagel and coffee, because, why not?
7. We have a magical “M”. Or, perhaps a “cursed M”, depending on how you look at it.
If you step on the block M in the diag, you’re doomed to fail your first blue book exam.
8. Big Ten Burrito.
There are few places in the universe that combine the hour of 2 AM with fried chimichangas bigger than your head. It is a beautiful and pure place.
9. Fragels.
These bagels are deep-fried and dipped in cinnamon sugar (and probably angel tears). Ann Arbor created these bad boys, and they’ve been a student staple for years. They’ll ruin your waistline, but you won’t even care.
10. We have the largest football stadium in the country.
“The Big House” lives entirely up to its name. It’s the third biggest in the world!
11. We have groundhogs.
I saw one, and basically freaked out for ten minutes and missed the bus.
12. Pizza House.
There has never been a combination that makes me happier than the hour of 4 AM and delicious feta bread. Pizza House makes this a weekend reality for me.
13. We have Jim Harbaugh.
14. U of M was a contender to be used as the set for Hogwarts for the “Harry Potter” movies.
And you all can see why!
15. We have the 4th best business school in the country.
16. And the 4th best medical school.
17. And we’re ranked number 5 on the list of best value colleges!
18. The dorms have chicken broccoli bake.
This culinary delight is so pure and rare that there’s even a university Facebook group devoted to finding which dining halls are scheduled to serve it on which days.
19. We have more than 200 study abroad programs!
You get to travel the world and scoop up credits at the same time! What could be better?
20. There’s a club for everyone—literally.
With over 1300 student-run organizations, how could you not find one you like?
What are some other reasons you think that The University of Michigan is the absolute best? Comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: pinterest.com and lavidalaura.com

University of Michigan Junior, lover of running, music, a bearded engineer, and free burritos.