I know you’re probably convinced that schools with the biggest parties and social scene are the best ones to attend, and granted St. John’s doesn’t lack in that area, but we have a lot more to offer than just an amazing social life. There are so many reasons why SJU is the absolute best. For starters…
One of the most important things about this school, and one of my personal favorites, is the student body. This school prides itself in having one of the most diverse student bodies, which is so important because without it our school would be a lot less interesting. This diversity gives our school the chance the branch out into so many different directions and really help students become exposed to new cultures, lifestyles and people all while learning AND having fun.
Being a Johnny is no joke. Athletics are taken very seriously here. We have 17 NCAA Division 1 teams from Fencing to Basketball. Game days are so much fun. The school even gets buses for students that want to attend the games, whether they’re versus Georgetown or Villanova, the environment is always a welcoming one!
We have one of THE most beautiful campuses. There are certain spots on campus that have the perfect view on Manhattan, and the skyline is gorgeous. Buildings like DAC and the Sun Yat Sen Memorial Hall are so nice to see on an everyday basis. This school will give your Instagram page a level-up.
At St. John’s we give the opportunity to each and every student to travel abroad to a few of our many campuses. We have one in Rome, Paris, and even Spain. At least 40% of students study abroad, and that’s waaaaaaay above national averages. There’s so much to do and say about the programs we offer, but so many of our students have an amazing time, so definitely check it out!
Do you ever have fireworks on your campus?! The alumni Winter Carnival that’s held on the Great Lawn every year has a tree-lighting and fireworks show for it’s Johnnies. I mean, look at the picture. Need I say much more? On top of that, we also give students the chance to go on a chariot ride with live horses. AND THEN, a couple months later in the Spring we hold another annual event, the Spring Fling, which is basically when we bring a fair to campus. There’s carnival rides, performers, games and food. Emphasis on the word “food”.
One of St.John’s specialties is their generosity with financial aid! I haven’t talked to one student who hasn’t received financial aid. There’s so many different scholarships and opportunities to get some money! It makes this school even more appealing.
Where better to go to school than New York City? The best city in the world? Every single day is such a good opportunity to get to know some amazing people. This place harbors some of the most talented and gifted people in the world. A quick subway ride into Manhattan or Brooklyn and you can find even more. Come see for yourself.
We have waaaaaay too many to count. I swear there’s a club or organization for each person, each hobby, anything you want to do, we have it. And honestly, joining these clubs will benefit you not only as a student, but as a person. Who doesn’t want more connections? More experience? Friends? Friends are good.
I know you’re probably like, “No… Liliya, no..”. The food on campus is alright, we have a Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, Subway, Taco Bell, and then there’s Monty’s (The Dining Hall). BUT the food surrounding the area is amazing. Some of the places just around the corner are so good. C’mon, let’s not forget about Double J’s. There’s so many good and c h e a p eats right around campus.
Are you a coffee fiend just like me? Good to know. There’s a Dunkin’ Donuts, Starbucks and Red Mango all on campus. You can also get really good coffee at the dining hall, (Monty’s).
Our Pharmacy, Law School and Tobin School of Business are very highly ranked on National charts. I know you’re still looking for me to convince you by the social scene, BUT our academics don’t lack either. Some of the top programs are Business Administration, Chemistry, Childhood Education, and Clinical Laboratory Sciences to name a few. But I promise, our professors are some of the most educated and well-rounded people I know.
This is a major part of St. John’s student-life. I’ve noticed that a lot of kids like to get involved with the Greek Life here on campus, and it’s not a bad idea. Most of the groups are bonded together with certain goals, cultural values, and aspirations alike. Definitely one of the top things to look into if you’re coming here.
Career Services, the professors, the students, the school. Everyone that is a part of St.John’s environment benefits from being here because we all want to help each other. The alumni are a big help the current students not to mention all the career services available. There’s so many ways to get involved in the big city you’re officially a part of when you come to this school!
Let’s talk alumni. First and foremost, J. Cole, modern day rap artist, used to live in Hollis (Room 503) if you care at all. Besides him, we can acknowledge Hugh Carey, Mario Cuomo, and Raymond Kelly just to name a few. We love our Alumni because they love US. They do so much for us. And I’m not gonna lie, when I see J. Cole on campus it makes me so proud to be a Johnny.
Everyone at this school is super close to one another. Literally. The class sizes are really small, usually about 15-20 students large. Obviously there’s exceptions but for the majority they’re small. This is more than enough reason to go here! With about 20,000 students going here, it’s hard to believe that our administration is about to get the class sizes so small. It helps academics rise to another level.
The events at St.John’s are what bring all of us Johnnie’s together. When we do events, we go hard. They’re usually extremely lively, with a ton going on. From our career fairs to our sporting events. Groups like Eden hold events so often that it’s hard NOT to go. You can never get bored here.
This is our dining hall. Me and my friends sit here for hours on end just because we can’t get ourselves to leave. I’m so close with the workers now, they know me by name. And on top of that, they go all out for the holidays. They decorate for holidays as small as Valentine’s Day, and it’s completely adorable. This is my home away from home away from home.
You’re BOUND to see someone you know everywhere you go. This place becomes a home for everybody within weeks of coming here. Obviously you don’t know everybody, but you’ll definitely know enough people to feel super homey all the time. Plus everybody is so friendly and welcoming, it’s impossible to be lonely.
Does your school have your own diner on campus? We do! It’s open until 3:00 AM on Friday and Saturday, and 2:00 AM on Sunday’s. So you need that late night snack? Munchies maybe? Come to the diner, they have the best chicken tenders.
Not only does our amazing graduation happen on this lawn, but this green area acts as an oasis for all the students here. It’s a beautiful space that’s decorated by Christmas lights in the winter, and by flowers in the Spring and Fall. It’s perfect for Instagram pictures, and a couple times I’ve even seen people do photo shoots here. Easily one of the best things about the school is the greenery here.
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