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10 Reasons Why Sex In College Is Nothing Like The Movies

10 Reasons Why Sex In College Is Nothing Like The Movies

It's going to get sloppy, it's going to get weird and it's all normal. Here are 10 reasons why sex in college is NOTHING like in the movies.

Any movie or show you watch that shows incredible, intense sex in college is completely fabricating everything. It’s going to get sloppy, it’s going to get weird and it’s all normal. Here are 10 reasons why sex in college is NOTHING like in the movies.

1. Dorm room sex while having a roommate is tough

If you’re lucky enough to live alone or in a single, good for you. But, most college students are stuck in a dorm with one or more roommates. While you may love your roommate, having them come in and out every 10 minutes makes it impossible to hook up with anyone.

2. A lot of college aged students are new to sex, meaning it’s just not great

Sex is a skill that takes a lot of practice, which most college students lack. So, don’t put the expectations so high and just have fun. It’ll get better.

3. Everyone can hear you

Literally nothing you say or do is private. The walls of dorm rooms and buildings are very thin. Take note of that before you let the entire floor know you’re having intense sex.

4. Everyone WILL know who you are sleeping with

Whether you go to a small school or a large school, everyone is going to know who is having sex with who. The smaller the school, the worst. So, be mentally prepared before you take that leap.

5. If you have sex with someone and you ghost them or they ghost you, you’re screwed

So, the sex you had with Jim was awful and you have decided to cut all ties. Sucks when you met him in math class and the semester has just begun. Look forward at the board and you’ll be alright.

6. A lot more people are virgins than you think

You may be a virgin or at least someone you know is. Chances are, no one is going to actually admit to it because it’s college and everyone’s got an ego to protect.

7. Drunk sex is a no-no and isn’t remotely sexy

Movies have a lot of drunk sex that always looks super hot. But, it’s never like that in real life. If you’re super drunk, it’s best to not have sex with anyone at all. You need to be fully aware of your decision making before you sleep with someone.

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8. Having sex with someone on your floor is risky business

Your roommate and the people who live on your floor really should be off limits. You see these people everyday and you don’t want to make things weird.

9. Finding privacy is nearly impossible

It’s impossible to get enough privacy as people get in tv shows and movies when you’re in college. While you don’t have parents to deal with, you have RAs, roommates, people on your floor going in and out, and the hundreds of other people around campus. It’s doable, but takes a lot more effort than you’d expect.

10. It’s all really a sloppy mess in a twin bed

Twin size beds are BEYOND small. Laying in one by yourself is barely enough room, never mind adding another person. It’s tough, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

Do you have any other reasons why sex in college is nothing like the movies!? Share in the comments below!

Featured Image: weheartit