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10 Reasons Why Reality TV Is So Addicting

10 Reasons Why Reality TV Is So Addicting

Lots of studies have been performed to try to pinpoint the exact reason people are so fascinated by reality television. Intelligence has not been linked as a determining factor in who does or does not enjoy Keeping Up with the Kardashians (thank god). These are the top 10 reasons why reality TV is so addicting.

Lots of studies have been performed to try to pinpoint the exact reason people are so fascinated by reality television. The misconception that arose before studies were conducted was that reality television fans were less intelligent than people who hate reality tv…rude. Fortunately for everyone who enjoys their weekly dose of this genre, intelligence has not been linked as a determining factor in who does or does not enjoy Keeping Up with the Kardashians (thank god). These are the top 10 reasons why reality TV is so addicting.

1. Competitive In Nature

It has been found that people who have a competitive nature are more likely to watch reality televisions shows in a similar way that people enjoy watching sports. Many shows have the premise of competing for a prize (The Bachelor, So You Think You Can Dance, American Idol, Project Runway, Survivor, The Voice, America’s Next Top Model, Top Chef etc).

2. Constant Exposure

Whether we are aware of it or not, the media influences us every single day. It may be through social media, in the checkout line looking at magazines, or watching TV commercials we are always being exposed to celebrities and influencers. The more we see Kim Kardashian in the media, the more we become subconsciously invested and interested in her life. This is one of the reasons why reality TV is so addicting.


3. Social Experimentation/Challenging Norms

What happens if you have a group of co-ed strangers living together in a house for the summer? What about making 20 women compete for the affection of one man? How do people act when you make a person go on three dates and choose one winner? Real talk- there was a show called Dating Naked in 2014. Just let that sink in. Many premises of reality television shows revolve around social experimentation. If you have ever watched UnREAL on lifetime, you can see a fictional depiction of what might go on with manipulation of contestants by producers. Taking unlikely scenarios and making people live in them is a much less severe form of dystopian reality that intrigues many people.

4. Candid Authenticity

Producers may manipulate what we actually see, but our perceived reality is that we are watching people in an unfiltered, authentic way. When cameras are following people around 24/7, we can relate to certain scenarios that may mimic our own lives.

5. Source of Entertainment

I got an A in Social Psychology (humble brag) so I’m about to drop some knowledge on you. The Social Comparison Theory is going to be at the heart of numbers 5, 6, and 7. Basically, the theory explains the way people determine their self-confidence/worth is by comparing themselves to others (this is why social media can have such a negative effect on people) and determining whether or not they are better or worse off. When it comes to reality television, it can make people feel better about themselves on many occasions. For example, watching 38-year-old bartender Jax Taylor “almost drown” in a lake and then say, and I quote, “[The lifeguard] didn’t give me heart to heart or anything” when he clearly meant to say mouth to mouth just makes me feel infinitely better about my life. This is definitely a big reason why reality TV is so addicting.


6. Envy

In some cases, it can have an opposite effect than number 5. Maybe some people are watching because instead of finding it entertaining they are envious. If you don’t live a life of privilege and you are watching people who appear to have lots of money to spend on their appearance and clothing, people can begin to fantasize about a life of luxury and fame. When comparing your own possessions, wealth, and social life to others in this way it can have a negative effect. Envy can make people want to watch something more…masochistic I guess?

7. Living Vicariously

People read, watch movies, and watch television shows that are fiction in order to experience something they may never experience. When you add an element of reality to television shows, it takes real life situations and lets people watch them unfold from the comfort of their own couches. We can watch ridiculous forms of debauchery- sexual promiscuity, rash drama, foul-mouthed drunks, people get engaged in three months, etc. without doing any of it in our own lives.

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8. It’s Mindless

At the end of a long day at the office or in classes when your brain is fried, the last thing you want to do is something strenuous. When you watch reality television, it is not imperative that you pay attention to every single detail in order to follow a basic plotline which makes it perfect for recharging.

9. Drama

Personally watching a ton of drama and fighting makes me anxious. I absolutely LOVE shows like Dance Moms, but more for the dancing and less for the moms screaming at each other. That being said, every boy I’ve forced to watch it with me is only there for the drama claiming it is the best part. If you ever find yourself wondering why reality TV is so addicting, it’s partially because people love drama.

Me ^^


10. Small Talk

Lastly, since many people do watch reality television shows, it is an easy way to connect to people and make small talk. If you want something to talk about with Linda in Accounting in the break room when you’re pouring your second cup of coffee at 10 am on a Wednesday, this is a good bet for common ground.

Did you know these reasons why reality TV is so addicting? Let us know what you think in the comments below!
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