As women, we are extremely valuable in every sense, but there will be times when we forget that. Especially when it comes to dealing with men. Here are 10 reasons why men like women who challenge them.
Ladies, have you ever had an experience where you were out with the girls one night and there happens to be a guy who just WON’T LEAVE YOU ALONE?! He sits there waiting for you to give him the slightest bit of attention. It sometimes even becomes a bigger problem if you ignore him more because they will try to earn your attention harder!
So, it’s sorta the same thing with us. There will be times when we REALLY like a guy and as women, we need to learn to control ourselves. We can’t be at their beckoning call because it looks desperate. It’s important that you live your life and they live theirs. You will be even more attractive in his eyes if it’s harder to pull you away from your own life (of course don’t make yourself completely unavailable, then he will just lose interest completely).
Women are awesome in many ways, but we also can be extremely crazy. Our emotions sometimes get the best of us and lord only knows where that leads us… Long story short, take control of your emotions. We aren’t saying that you need to be happy 24/7 and act as if everything is perfect all the time, but it’s important to not be so negative.
Think about the time you spent with someone who was saying negative comments all day long to you. How did that make you feel? Most likely you were probably talking negatively yourself by the end of the day. Negativity is a rippling effect and people notice when their mood is changing based on the person or people around them. Try looking at each situation to the best of its ability. If the man your with sees or hears you overcome your own challenges, he will be so much more attracted to you.
How unstoppable would you be if you owned who you are 100%? What if you started acting confident, cool, and collect? Wouldn’t that be one of the sexiest things to see? Men love women who know that they are amazing. They love it when we go try new things, wear the clothes we want, wear makeup we like, etc. Whoever you are is who men want to see.
Now if a man doesn’t like who you are, then he’s not a man. True men want the woman who doesn’t take no for an answer. The reason being is because it shows stability and love for yourself. In the end, men want to feel that the women they are with doesn’t need them, but chose them to be an addition to their life.
If you don’t feel that you are this person, that is okay just learn to fake it. No one is feeling themself 100%, but what it all comes down to is confidence. If you can walk and talk as if you own the world, the world will always be yours. Stay strong in who you are and never forget that!
Okay women, LEAVE HIM BE. You do not need to hang out with him all the time. If you are thinking about wanting to spend endless time with him you aren’t doing enough in your life. Get a job, a hobby, or find a class to take. ANYTHING. The more he sees you are giving him space, the more likely he will try to hang out with you instead.
When it comes to sex you need to think accordingly. If you are in the beginning stages of a relationship, hold off sex as long as you can. Why you may ask? Because men don’t think like women do. Before any man has sex, his mind is all confused. He is not thinking straight at all, no matter how many times he says he’s falling for you.
When a man is refrained from having sex for a period of time, he is forced to think about the connection you two have. He realizes he has to WORK at being with you and that you are not just some cheap date. You are a highly valued woman who respects herself enough to not sleep with anyone who shows up. He will respect who you are a lot more. After he has sex, he starts to think clearly and if you had sex too fast, he may think of you differently and not want to stay around.
As for women, we think clearly before we have sex but after is when we start to go crazy! We get attached to men. That is why it is important to hold off having sex with a guy you really like because his commitment to you is more likely to be established if you wait.
There is no time to look at other women and feel threatened by them. As said previously, men like women who are strong in who they are. If you are always bringing up other women, and asking if they like them more than you eventually your man will become sick of the question. Be confident in who you are and believe that the man you are with is crazy about you and only you. He would be crazy to not have you in the first place. You will drive him away if you keep acting like that. Too many of us act insecure, so be the one who isn’t!
Men like to feel as if they are the “man”. I know, it’s annoying but it has some truth to it. The reason behind why they like this feeling is because it makes them feel wanted. It’s sort of like how we dress up and then the man we like notices. You feel wanted and beautiful. The same thing for men, when they feel they are “taking care” of things with your gratification with excitement or words and or touch, they feel valued and cared for beyond your imagination.
His happiness is extremely important, just as much as yours. So give him the freedom to go with the guys, play sports, do whatever he wants! The more space you give him, the more his mind will think about you. He will be with the boys but wonder what you are doing. He could be playing video games but cuts it short to give you a call. Men like freedom, and when they feel that they are not stuck in your grip then they can relax. They want to feel like they are being themselves and in return, they will chase you contently.
Relationships are hard. That’s just the truth. You have to work at them, to build them into something great. That’s just the way it is. A great way to start building relationships with men we care about is by trying to stop arguing when you are trying to prove yourself right. You don’t need to yell and scream to get what you want. Simply, talk in your normal indoor voice. If you still feel like you aren’t being heard, drop it. Sometimes not talking so much is the best way to be heard by men.
Nagging. We all do it, but doing as little as possible will make men chase after you a lot faster. When you nag over and over again, for men you remind them of their mother. It’s just how it is sadly, and there’s not much to do about that but STOP. If you are in a relationship and feel as if the communication isn’t working maybe it’s time to think about the relationship in itself. Nagging someone to do something or to listen to you is never how a relationship should play out. It should be fun!
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