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10 Reasons Why It’s Better To Be Single Right Now

10 Reasons Why It’s Better To Be Single Right Now

10 Reasons Why It's Better To Be Single Right Now

Let’s face it, quarantine has been hard, especially on those who are single and have even less contact with people than those of you that are in a relationship. But not to worry, even if you’re feeling down, you’ll soon come to realize the benefits of being single right now.

Before I begin, it’s okay to be in a relationship, it’s okay to be single, it’s okay to be in whatever situation you’re in as long as you’re happy. That being said, let’s dive in.

1. It’s Cheaper

Look, being in a relationship is expensive. Usually, people in relationships are always spending money on dates, food, presents for each other, and more. Even when people just buy their significant other a coffee, things start to add up. So, instead of spending that money on someone else, save it, or spend it on yourself! Even better! You don’t have the societal or peer pressure of getting your SO a gift, or picking up the bill on date night, you can spend it on whatever you want and spend it on you.


2. There’s Not Much To Do Right Now Anyways

Unfortunately, for those that are still in relationships, the nationwide quarantine has us all on lockdown. So, all those fancy dinners and happy hours that you’ve been seeing happy couples aren’t happening. Not much is happening at all. Even if you just started talking to someone before the quarantine started, you can only text “how was your day?” so many times, we’re all doing the same thing. And please, for the love of God, don’t break quarantine to ~get it on~ with somebody.

3. Time To Focus On Yourself

This is the absolute perfect time to focus on yourself. You have all the time in the world, so use it! Figure out what your interests are, take time to develop a self-care routine, treat yourself with love and acceptance. Now is the time to wear a face mask and walk around your house naked, take a bath, use a scrub, meditate, do something that will benefit you. You don’t have to think about anyone else or what people might think, you can stay in your sweats all day or put on a full face of makeup, just take care of yourself.

4. You Have The Time To Try That Thing You’ve Always Wanted

Learn to cook! Download Duolingo! Learn to sew! Try that thing that you’ve always been wanting to try but you just haven’t for some reason. Hell! Buy a new sex toy! You have this time to yourself so use it, no one is stopping you. So instead of wasting time wondering about “what if’s” and “if only’s” spend your time being productive.


5. You Don’t Have To Keep Up With the Maintenance

Part of being in a relationship is just keeping up with the maintenance of your body. (And just to be clear, you should never do anything for anyone else.) However, I am the culprit of shaving before date night, doing a facemask before meeting a SO, spending an hour on makeup, or buying the right outfit to impress them, we all do it. However, when you’re single, you don’t have to sweat the small things. You can let things go a little crazy for a while, you don’t have to put on makeup for a one-hour date, it’s the small things that really add up to make a difference. At this point, when you’re doing those things, you’re doing them for you and no one else.

6. You’d Drive Each Other Crazy

We are under quarantine people. When you’re quarantined with someone, driving each other crazy is inevitable. Your family, your roommate, or your significant other, it doesn’t matter who they are but being in close quarters is going to take a toll on the relationship.

7. You Don’t Need Someone Else To Get Off

The title says it all. You don’t need someone else to get off so do it yourself! Masturbate, buy a new sex toy, try something new. Plus, all this alone time is the perfect opportunity.

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8. You Have Time To Play The Field

Download a dating app, reach out to that cute coworker or classmate and start chatting! Everyone needs time to play the field a little bit before committing to a relationship. Learning the do’s and don’ts of dating, along with figuring out what you’re looking for is important, and the best way to do that is through trial and error.

9. Learning To Do Things For Yourself

Cliché, I know, but learning simple things like cooking for one, taking care of your car, and more are all important things to know how to do on your own. Being self-sufficient is an essential part of life. Not only is it important to learn how to do things on your own, but it will give you the confidence to accomplish other things throughout life.


1o. You Have The Time To Figure Out Who You Are Alone (… self-isolated, in quarantine, just you and your thoughts alone)

The most important thing you can do right now is to figure out who you are on your own. You have time to think about what’s been bothering you or meditate and better your mental health. If your seeking closure, or are harboring anything negative, now is a time to let it go, or take the initiative to do something about it. Make travel plans, start a habit of meditation, and begin your journey on your own.

A lot of times, being single is synonymous with being lonely, which isn’t necessarily true. There are a lot of benefits to being single right now. So, use this time to be productive, and do things that are beneficial for you. It’s important to make your own happiness and to only begin a relationship when you’re ready. To those who are feeling significantly alone during this quarantine, you’re not alone, and you have so much to do and figure out. Make sure to look at all the positives, because I promise you, there are plenty!