5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To West Chester University

Like every high school senior, I was very stressed when it came time to apply to college. There was no greater stress when it came time to decide where to commit. As an indecisive person I needed all the help I could get. What helped was making a pro and con list. Here are the top 5 reasons why I chose to enroll at West Chester University.
1. Distance.
When applying to schools, I mostly applied to places in New York. Originally I thought NY would be the best place to study with its vast opportunities. After some deep thought I realized, even though it wasn’t far from home, I wouldn’t be able to see my family everyday. As crazy as they may be, I enjoy their company. I decided commuting was the best option for me. While adjusting to this new chapter of my life, next year I will be on campus. Although I’d be driving back and forth every day, West Chester University is close enough to do so.
2. Surroundings.
West Chester University is surrounded by local restaurants and boutiques, so there’s always something to do! Downtown West Chester offers more than 60 eateries, more than 70 boutique shops, 30 art galleries/museums, and not to mention, annual special events like the Halloween Parade and the Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration (my personal favorite). So whether you just need a study break from hours of homework or are looking for something to do, West Chester offers a lot of activities to do!
3. Availability of Majors and Classes.
West Chester University offers a wide variety of majors. Options ranging from Biological and Biomedical Studies to Social Sciences, such as Anthropology, Geography, Sociology and Political Science. Whether or not you already come into college knowing what you want to major in, West Chester University allows you the opportunity to explore your options and guides you if you don’t have an idea in what you want to major in. Students have resources all over campus that make sure that they excel in their studies and future endeavors.
4. Size.
Unlike many other colleges, West Chester is big but at the same time small enough that any new incoming freshman wouldn’t find it nearly as overwhelming. It is the perfect size that gives you both the space but also the cozy atmosphere that you need.
5. Cost.
Compared to other state schools, West Chester University is known for the many great programs it has to offer and for its affordability too. This allows accessibility for many students all over.