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This Is Why I Chose To Go To UTK

This Is Why I Chose To Go To UTK

There are a handful of reasons why I chose to go to UTK. If you're deciding between schools, read these top 5 reasons that may help you decide.

Picking a college is a hard decision but also a big life decision. How do you know if you are making the right one? Why I chose to go to UTK was not an easy decision for me but I would not change it for the world. GO VOLS!

1. The University of Tennessee is home.

I grew up in Knoxville. I have been on and around campus growing up. I have gone to all the games and have loved every second of it. UTK is my home and always has been so the first reason why I chose to go to UTK is a given. It always feels like home because everyone here is so friendly and welcoming.

2. The atmosphere.

When you pick a school you want to feel comfortable on campus. One of the main reasons why I chose to go to UTK is because it’s atmosphere is unlike any others. It is in the south and part of the SEC, so mostly everyone is friendly. You feel comfortable being on campus because everyone knows that each person is different in their own way and that is okay. You never feel judged.


3. The campus.

The campus is beautiful. Knoxville is a beautiful city and all the trees, the river, and mountains right here are unlike any other. We have beautiful old buildings on campus but also a lot of brand new ones which makes campus diverse and different.

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4. The SEC network is based out of UTK

I am pursuing Journalism and electronic media which played a major factor in why I chose to go to UTK. One of the SEC networks is located outside of the university which gives so many opportunities to get involved and have internships. It also looks good when you are applying to jobs. I knew I would get the best education here.


5. Game days.

Everyone in the SEC knows that game days on Rocky Top are no joking matter. We may have not had the winning streak we have wanted the past couple of years but that doesn’t change our ginormous fan base. Game days are a special holiday in Knoxville and everyone goes all out. With big all day tailgates and cheering and screaming until they lose their voice. Experiencing a game day in Neyland is unlike any other and an important reasons  why I chose to go to UTK.

Let us know why you chose to go to UTK in the comments below!
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