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5 Reasons I Chose To Go To Towson University

5 Reasons I Chose To Go To Towson University

From getting to experience all four seasons to the many options the university has to offer, these are the 5 reasons I chose to go to Townson University!

There are a lot of things to factor in when you are choosing what college or university you want to go to. From the location to the organizations on campus, it can be a really tough decision. These are the 5 reasons why I chose to go to Townson University!

1. The Four Seasons

Towson is located about 10 miles outside of Baltimore, which means it doesn’t have the brittle winter feel a city university does. Being in its location in the United States, Towson has the luxury of all four seasons; Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. So many people wish they could experience all of the seasons and I am lucky enough to do so!

2. Imessage Group Chat Connection

Everyone at Towson is connected, and I learned that about 2 minutes after being accepted when my email and social media profiles blew up. There were Facebook groups for my incoming class, group chats for my dorms, and even people connecting through Snapchat who have the same majors.


3. Flavored Lollipop Majors

When thinking about the future, some people explore majors like they are lollipop flavors. At Towson there are so many types of majors, students quickly find a major they are passionate about. 

4. Passport to Europe

Learning can be a struggle, but if you have something you are passionate about, Towson will strap a backpack on you and send you off the anywhere you want to learn about the things you love.

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5. Breathing the Fresh Air

Towson is one of the first universities to demand its campus to be smoke free and tobacco free. You will not catch anyone on campus smoking tobacco at all! This encourages a healthier lifestyle for the students on campus.

What are the reasons you chose to go to Townson University!? Share in the comments below!

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