Campus Life

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Montclair State University

In my junior year of high school, my quest for the perfect college began. I remember applying to fifteen schools and not knowing where to go or where I would even fit in. Getting back acceptance letters from every school I applied to didn’t make the process any easier either. There are so many reasons why I chose to go to Montclair State University. Eventually, after touring college campuses and bringing the list of fifteen down to my final top three choices, see why I chose to be a Redhawk at Montclair State University.

1. Affordability!

It’s all about the shMONEY!
Let’s face it! College is really expensive. Looking at the annual tuition of colleges gave me agita.
After touring Montclair State University and seeing all that was offered for (almost less than) half of the other college tuition’s was a huge eyeopener. I weighed out my options and looked at everything Montclair’s competition offered. For the price, location, campus and activities…Montclair State University is more than worth it.

2. Close to New York City.
Montclair State University is spread across 486 acres of beautiful land just 15 miles west of The Big Apple. Some people want to be right in the heart of the city and that is totally fine. But for people like myself who like to live away from the excitement and pick and choose when they want to experience it, Montclair State University is the best choice for you. Being so close to NYC opens many doors for opportunities and gives students a million things to do during their down time. At Montclair you have the world at your finger tips both on and off campus.

3. I wasn’t ready to grow up!
Going far away from home wasn’t an option for me. I value the relationships I have with my family and friends more than anything and I wanted to maintain that same status while in college. After going to two open houses (because I had to be sure MSU was truly for me) I made my decision. Montclair State reminded me of home. The students reminded me of kids from my high school and the campus was easy to navigate. Going to a state university also meant seeing a lot of familiar faces. This made me feel comfortable and extremely at ease.

4. After college matters too…
The name speaks for itself. At Montclair State University the Student to Faculty Ratio is 17:1 and the average class size is 25 students. This allows your professors to get to know you on a personal level and pay close attention to you’re development as their student. This is something I valued in high school and most certainly needed in college. The Center for Career Services was also important when making my decision. This is the office that provides resources and support designed to advance the students’ career development. Each school/department has an abundance of support for helping students find jobs while in school and after graduation. Going to school and getting a degree doesn’t guarantee a job. Knowing my school cares to help me after I graduate is enough to keep me going.


5. It’s easy to get involved! On campus or as a commuter…
When starting school the first thing you think about is making friends! How will I do it? Where will I find them? Montclair State University has over 120 organizations that you can get involved in. This includes clubs and organizations as well as Greek life. Joining on campus organizations is the key to meeting people. Montclair State University even has ways to get involved for commuter students. The Office of Commuter Student Programs works hard to create fun things to do and fun ways to get involved for students who choose to commute. There are activities during the week and on the weekends to make everyone feel at home.

Are your reasons similar to why I chose to go to Montclair State University? Comment below!
Featured photo source:
Jenny Tyler

As Kardashian-obsessed as it gets.

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