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5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Kansas State University

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Kansas State University

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Kansas State University

Picking a college to attend can be a very difficult decision. There lies pros and cons in every university that you apply to. However, Kansas State University’s pros stood out more to me than any other college. Here are five reasons why I chose to go to Kansas State University!

1. College of Business Administration

Once I got my Associates degree, I wanted to further my education and get a bachelor’s degree. This new credential would help solidify and give me more credibility as I pursued my own business. When I got to the CBA, the new building had just opened and it was and is so amazing. I love being there.

2. Sense of Community and Family

Living in the Manhattan area for several years, it has slowly over time been a place I enjoy living in. It is a bustling city, but it has that small town feel to it. People are nice here and you automatically feel a part of the K-State Family.



3. Many Opportunities

K-State offers so many opportunities to learn and grow. There are so many speakers who come not only to the CBA, but all over campus. Our President has Pizza with the President, where you can have pizza and talk to him about the things that matter to you. McCain Auditorium always has amazing performances and people come to perform. There are yoga classes for free, a running club, and so, so much more!!



4. Purple Everywhere

Purple is one of my favorite colors so going to a school whose team colors include purple is a bonus!! I love seeing the sea of purple everywhere around town, especially on game days.

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5. Location, Location, Location!

A big plus to choosing K-State was that it is local. I already knew the area and felt already at home when I got there. Though it was hard to navigate at first, after my first semester, I was very glad I chose K-State. I would not have had it any other way.


Are the reasons why I chose to go to Kansas State University similar to yours? Comment below!
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