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5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Hofstra University

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Hofstra University

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Hofstra University

Choosing a college can be quite difficult but Hofstra quickly propelled itself to the top of my list as soon as I visited. My decision to go to Hofstra was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Keep reading for the top five reasons why I chose to go to Hofstra University!

1. The LGBT+ Friendliness

This one was a huge one for me. As part of the LGBT+ community, going to a school where I can be myself was extremely important to me. Hofstra is such a safe space for the LGBT+ community with The Pride Network, their GSA and their PRISM mentorship. I couldn’t help but know that Hofstra was the school for me.

2. The Proximity to the City

This may seem like an obvious one but seriously you are so close to the city. My very first month at Hofstra, I had been in the city three times. I got to see so many free shows as well as just explore with my friends, it was amazing. The city is only a small LIRR ride away!



3. The Radio Station

Ranked the Best College Station in the US, the radio station is a huge reason why I chose Hofstra. All students can work on the radio with a little training which is a huge opportunity for anyone who wants to be in the communications or music industry or just want to know more about radio in general.

4. The People

Another kind of obvious one, but the people were also a huge factor for me. I have met the most wonderful people from all different types of backgrounds. Everyone is insanely helpful and friendly to the point where you really feel like you belong to a community as soon as you get there.

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5. There Are So Many Ways to Get Involved

Join a sport! Join a sorority! Join a fraternity! Join a club! Join an intramural! Hofstra is the place to get involved and do something that you love. If Hofstra doesn’t have what interests you, you can create a club of your very own.

There are many more reasons why I chose to go to Hofstra University, the list could go on forever. Hofstra was my number one choice and I’m so glad I have the opportunity to go to such an amazing school!

*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.

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