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5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Baylor University

5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Baylor University

Baylor University students all come for different reasons. Here are the reasons I decided to go to Baylor University. Check out my reasons!

Choosing a college is tough- in a short amount of time, you’re expected to pick a school that you’ll be spending the next four years of your life at, and a place where you fit in and feel you can be your genuine self.  My senior year was a confusing time in my life, but I know that choosing Baylor University was one of the best decisions I could have made.  Here’s five reasons that it’s the perfect fit for me, and hopefully is for you too!

1) The Traditions at Baylor University

One of the reasons Baylor stood out to me when I was choosing a college was all of the amazing traditions! Baylor takes pride in its traditions, and they make for a more engaging school experience. For example, at every home football game Baylor freshman “run the Baylor Line”, or are able to rush the field in yellow jerseys to welcome in the football team, AND receive front row seats behind the opposing team! Other traditions include Dr. Pepper Hour, All University Sing, Christmas on 5th Street, and Dia Del Oso (Look them up)!

2) The Faith Community

Considering its size, Baylor fosters an incredible community atmosphere of faith around campus.  Baylor is a Baptist university, and the school’s Christian values are evident in academic and social life. Many Baylor students are religious, and their faith is noticeable in the way they carry themselves and interact with others.  Service is heavily emphasized, and Waco has a great variety of churches to choose from! Even if your faith is not an important part of your life, the Christian morals and way of life at Baylor make for an inclusive and welcoming environment.


3) The School Spirit!!

Baylor has some of the best school spirit around! Football is a way of life, and everyone in Waco shows up for game day, always tailgating as early as possible.  McLane Stadium filled with loyal fans is a contagious atmosphere, and everyone at the school bleeds green and gold! For Homecoming weekend, thousands of alumni come back to Baylor University to revisit their old home and show their family and friends what BU is all about! The weekend is complete with the nation’s oldest and largest homecoming parade, and a massive on-campus bonfire. Baylor University students always support the bears and take pride in their school!

4) The Location

Even though some may consider Waco an odd place, I think it’s the perfect spot to spend four years as a college town.  The city is geared around college students, and contains plenty of coffee shops and fun restaurants.  The popularity of the hit TV show Fixer Upper (set in Waco) doesn’t hurt either, and Magnolia Market is only about a fifteen-minute walk from campus! Waco is also located about halfway between Dallas and Austin, the perfect distance for occasional weekend trips!

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5) The Campus

Baylor is absolutely beautiful. I immediately felt a sense of community. The school is full of classic southern architecture, always complete with white columns and red brick.  There are large trees, open lawns, and beautiful pathways for walking, and even the daily commute from class to class is always pleasant.  Some of my favorite buildings are Draper, Pat Neff, and the Baylor Science Building (BSB).  The campus has adorable green and gold swings all around school.

These are some reasons for choosing Baylor University. I hope they give you a deeper appreciation for the incredible school I’m lucky to call home. Sic em forever!

Let us know what you think about Baylor University in the comments below!
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