5 Reasons Why Everyone Should Be Involved On The UMass Campus

It’s activity fair day at UMass Amherst. There are tons of tables set up with different clubs in every direction. People are making sales pitches at you about why you should join their organization. It’s crowded, hot, and a bit overwhelming. You may wonder, is it possible to really feel connected to something at such a large institution? You may even contemplate if it’s worth being involved. The answer is yes, you should totally be involved on the UMass campus! Take it from a gal who came into college with every intention of not joining a club: Join a club!
When I was a freshman, I did not want to be a part of any clubs. I did the whole being involved thing in high school and was quite frankly tired of it. While being in clubs in high school was nice, I didn’t want my extra time at college focused on a club. I just wanted to be at college. However, I quickly realized that was a mistake. Joining at least one club is extremely important. The great thing about UMass Amherst is that there’s always something for someone to get involved in. If you can think of it, there’s a club for it! Another cool thing is this website where clubs and organizations are listed. There are organizations involving Greek Life, student run businesses, writing, dance, art . . . almost anything you can think of! This website is great because it gives you a snapshot of each organization.
You will get more out of your time in clubs than you think. You may even end up finding your core friend group in these organizations! If you still need convincing, below are 5 reasons why you should be involved on the UMass campus. You can thank me later!
1. You Will Meet Cool People
It can be hard to connect with people in college, especially at a school as big as UMass. Some people may come in with their cliques, others may make friends easily, and others may find it a little more difficult. Becoming a part of the club or organization can alleviate some of that stress of meeting new people. Everyone is there with a common interest and this makes talking easier. You get to find out why people are interested in that activity and create lasting connections.
2. It’s A Break From School
Academics make up a majority of our college time. While focusing on academics is important, we all need a break, and a club can give you the break you need! It allows you to put your focus on something that you enjoy doing. Since you are not being forced to do it, it becomes much more relaxing.
3. We All Need A Community
If there’s a c-word besides the word college that you will hear all the time, it’s the word community. While it can get annoying to hear, it’s a very important aspect to have in college. Finding a community that you relate to can make your college experience feel so much more whole!
4. It Looks Great On A Resume
Despite all the fun experiences that college offers, the underlying goal is to leave college with skills to get a job. Being an active member of a club can give you some of the skills you need. You get the opportunity to work your way up and even potentially become a part of the executive board, where you can make decisions about the club. Leadership skills always look great on a resume.
5. You Will Create Endless Memories
Being involved on the UMass campus opens you up to different opportunities and experiences. You will go to new places and create lasting memories. Some of your best memories from college can come from the organizations you become a part of. For example, I joined an online publication group and I will always remember the dinner parties we had. We would sit around discussing an array of topics while enjoying each others company.
You don’t need to become the president of five clubs, but picking at least one organization that you can put your energy in is great. It will prove to be one of the best decisions you make in college, I promise!