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5 Reasons We Love No Shave November

5 Reasons We Love No Shave November


Ahhhh, Movember. What a great time to be alive. Initially starting on Facebook in 2009, Movember (or Moustache November, or No Shave Novemeber) has had men and women of all ages growing out their body hair to raise money for prostate and testicular cancer (some women even go as far as to not pluck their eyebrows. I assume unibrows will make a fashion comeback very soon).

People that participate are then asked to donate the money previously being spent on grooming to the American Cancer Society. As an active participant in No Shave November, I love the feeling of being able to sleep in ten extra minutes and always having to wear pants. Thank the Lord for cold winter months, am I right?

In honor of this fabulous month I’ve put together some of the top reasons why we love No Shave November.


1. You support a good cause

Not only is donating to the American Cancer Society a huge part of No Shave November, but you’re also raising awareness for prostate and testicular cancer as well. Your large beard and long facial hair make others aware of this great cause. It’s a win-win.

2. You don’t appeal to anybody

I mean it’s obvious that we have prospective relationships chasing left and right, waiting at our every beck and call. Luckily during the month of November, we don’t have to deal with those irritants. Our hairy legs repel them so much as to not talk to us ever again. SCORE.



DOES ANYBODY REALIZE HOW GREAT THIS MONTH IS? You literally don’t have to shave. Like at all. And it’s somewhat socially acceptable. I’m low-key thinking of introducing Don’t Shave December, Just Hairy January, Freaky February, and so forth…

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Do It Big This Summer With These Jeffree Star Must Haves

4. You save money

Think about it. No shaving means no razors, no shaving cream, no 5 hour long showers…expenses that can really add up. So maybe now that you’ve saved a few extra bucks from letting your hair run wild, you have enough money to donate to the cause!


5. Beards are attractive

Depending on whom, where, what, and all the other common questions, beards are simply attractive on most guys. There’s just something about a man with facial hair that makes them look more manly and mature. Don’t ask me, there has to be some science behind it.

So please, ladies and gents, the next time you’re debating about going free-hair for this month, remember all the benefits associated with it as well. It supports a fantastic cause and raises awareness for it. And it’s never too late to implement Don’t Shave December. I just might, actually…

Feature image source: and