10 Reasons To Love Fall At UW Madison

Fall in the Midwest- there’s nothing quite like it. As if you needed any more reasons to love this school, here are 10 reasons to love fall at UW Madison!

It’s been a whirlwind of a month getting settled in after three months of summer, but most of us are finally getting into the swing of things. Getting up for 8 a.m. classes probably doesn’t ever get any easier, but at this point we’ve accepted the harsh reality that is the next two semesters. But while energy may already be low, school spirit is at an all time high. And with that, we begin the transition into fall in the Midwest- there’s nothing quite like it. As if you needed any more reasons to love this school, here are 10 reasons to love fall at UW Madison!

1. No more waiting for tailgating season!

“Saturday” has been temporarily removed from our vocabulary and replaced with “GAME DAY”. No matter what you did last night, now is the time to rally. If you walk outside and all you see is red, you’re not hallucinating. Whether it’s beer showers, bottomless mimosas, or your parents BBQ tailgate, there’s no one way to celebrate. Be prepared to hear “Jump Around” at least ten times- but that never gets old. You’ll have no trouble finding a place to go or something to do here on game day. Just remember to drink Wisconsinbly!

2. Everything is delicious at the Capitol Square farmer’s market.

Cheesy bread. Fresh baked scones. Honey crisp apples. If you still haven’t caught on I’m talking about the seasonal delicacies sold at Madison’s very own Farmer’s Market. Walking around Capitol Square on a Saturday morning at this time of year is the epitome of the fall season. Stock up on pastries, fruits, vegetables, and flowers, all in the same place. And sample Wisconsin’s finest cheeses while you’re at it! Shopping and eating… at the same time.


3. You’re embracing pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING.

It’s that time of year when everything smells and tastes like pumpkin. Nobody is complaining, though. Don’t be afraid to (pumpkin) spice things up and venture outside your regular latte. So tis’ the season for the battle of the coffee shops: the Chain vs. Local saga continues. Whether you’re heading to Starbucks, Colectivo, or Espresso Royale, you’re sure to find something fall-flavored to satisfy any craving you have.

4. No more hot and sweaty walks to class!

If you have to hike up and over Bascom three times a week you know exactly what I’m talking about. When you have to practically sprint across campus to get to your next class, blistering heat isn’t exactly ideal. Fall weather might not make your trips any shorter, but it will make them much more manageable. Plus, you’ll finally be able to bring out the scarves and sweaters you’ve been stowing away for the past few months (and send home the summer clothes that have been taking up precious closet space).

5. The Lakeshore Path just got an upgrade.

The leaves are changing and yellow is the new green. Whoever thought nature could be so aesthetically pleasing? Whether you’re walking, running, or biking, make sure to get outside and enjoy the crisp Lake Mendota air before it’s too late. Soon you’ll find yourself breathing through a scarf in below freezing weather, so take advantage! If you’ve got time to spare in between classes and homework, grab some friends and take the Lakeshore Path out to Picnic Point. Build a fire, bring blankets and snacks- the whole nine yards. Get in touch with your outdoorsy side; that counts as “branching out”, right?



6. Dorm rooms just got a lot cooler.

A collective sigh of relief from everyone living in a residence hall… I bet nobody warned you you would have to sacrifice closet space AND air conditioning. You know it’s fall when you walk in your dorm and it doesn’t feel like a sauna. You can finally unplug the fan you’ve kept running for the past three weeks straight! Getting a good night’s sleep sans night sweats is now totally within reach.

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7. Going to the library counts as being social.

If you walk into College Library on a Saturday night and there’s nowhere to sit, you know it must be time for midterms. At least you know you’re not alone! If you’re cramming, good luck. If you’ve been proactive about studying this semester, good for you. If you’re going to open study, silent section, or even the seventh floor (ambitious!), you’ll see some familiar faces regardless. This is probably the least amount of effort you’ll have to put into “going out” all year… take advantage!

8. Getting dressed up for Halloween… in five different costumes.

You know Halloween week is around the corner when you start seeing everyone you know at Ragstock. Should you buy those metallic leggings you’re never going to wear again after October 31st? No. Are you going to? Most definitely. Some love it, some hate it, but the reality is you’ve got three back-to-back Halloween parties to go to and outfit repeating is just not an option.

9. Don’t miss UW’s homecoming!

It was the best of times it was the worst of times: high school Homecoming. Luckily we still get the parade and the football game, but this time around we’ll have to do without the awkward school dance and the sick basement after party. Homecoming at Madison will definitely have you feeling nostalgic, but then you’ll remember the Princeton Review named your school the “Number One Party School” and you’ve got tailgates to get to. How’s that for school spirit?


10. Enjoy delicious home cooked meals over Thanksgiving break!

Home cooked meals. Need I say more? Okay, I’ll keep going. You finally get to see your dog again! You can lounge around in sweatpants all day and not feel bad about it. You finally get to see your home friends and family (don’t act like you haven’t been a little homesick). And get ready for the best sleep of your life in your own bed. Don’t get too comfortable, though, because we only get a hot second to stuff our faces with turkey and stuffing and then we’re back at it. At this point we are officially in the home stretch: only 4 weeks until Winter Break!!

What are your favorite things about fall at UW Madison? Feel free to comment below and share the article!
Featured photo source: pinterest.com and collegemagazine.com