Categories: College Life

Top 5 Reasons To Live At Home In College

University will be a time filled with new adventures and also a lot of stress. You shouldn’t have to worry about where you’re going to sleep at night. Live at home while you study, and reap the benefits of saving money, enjoying home-cooked meals and more!

1. Save Money

College is expensive and can leave you in a lot of student debt once your four years are up. Between courses, textbooks, and supplies your credit card bill is going to be crazy as it is. Don’t add a rent check on top of it all. 

The average cost of renting a dorm room is $10,000 a year. Over four years your total could add up to $40,000! That’s the same price as a new car! Girl, that is the same price as 3 new cars! 

Don’t waste your money renting a small dorm room that is cramped and smells like feet. Enjoy living in a beautiful home that you don’t have to pay for. Meanwhile, you can spend that extra cash on a new bag that looks great and fits all your heavy texts books!

2. Home-Cooked Meals

If I’m being honest, I spent most of my university years living off of coffee and nacho chips. Not healthy at all. At the end of most days, I would hit a wall and feel tired. I wasn’t giving my body what it needed to be healthy and have energy. 

Going home for family dinner was always the highlight of the week, and it wasn’t just because my mother is an incredible cook.

Getting to eat a hot meal on a real plate, was a luxury I didn’t realize I missed. Living at home allows you to have real food giving your body the energy and strength it needs to get through any study session!

3. Annoying Roommates

Yes, if you have siblings you will technically always have roommates. But a university roommate is not one you can throw out of your room when they are getting into your space. 

Roommates are assigned at random and you may not love the person you are forced to live with. Whether they’re a clean freak or a slob there could be some tension in your living situation. College shouldn’t be about fighting with your roommate. So skip the drama and focus on what’s important!

4. Uncomfortable Co-Ed Showers

The movies didn’t lie, co-ed showers are a thing and they are just as uncomfortable as they look. 

Sharing a bathroom with one roommate can be difficult, now imagine you have to share a bathroom with a whole floor worth of people. No sink space, you need to wear shower shoes and you might lose your shower caddy. 

See Also

When you live at home the worst you’ll have to deal with is sharing a bathroom with your younger sister, and even then you can just lock the door!

5. Family Time

Eventually, you’re going to leave the nest for good and you won’t get to see your family every day. Family dinners will become once a week and you’ll mostly talk to your mom over the phone.

Leaving high school forces you to say goodbye to a lot of things, but your family shouldn’t be one of them. Start college off the right foot, with a hug from your mom and a smile from your dad. 

You’ll never get that time back, so treasure it now!  

College is the most exciting four years of your life. Every year brings new challenges, opportunities, and independence. There will be plenty of time to live on your own when you are done studying, so why not live at home. Enjoy the simplicity of sleeping in those same superhero sheets that you did as a kid. 

Do you want to live at home for college? Let us know in the comments below!

Featured Image Source: Mackenzie Jaquish
Mackenzie Jaquish

A digital content producer who loves writing about all things pop-culture, fashion and of course food! Follow me on Instagram, @mackenzie_jaquish for updates on my newest articles.

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