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8 Reasons To Do An Internship Abroad

8 Reasons To Do An Internship Abroad

Doing an internship can be a fantastic experience. But doing an internship abroad has the potential to completely change your world views! The pros of doing an internship abroad are endless, so we’ve narrowed it down to 8 reasons why interning in a foreign country is a decision you should be making.

1. Work With Professionals

An internship abroad can give you the chance to work with all kinds of talented people. There’s no one like a real professional who knows the ins and outs of the business to push you in the right direction. Make sure to take advantage of them! Enhance your skills and give yourself that marketable edge!  


2. It Looks Great On Your CV

Really make your CV stand out from the crowd by saying that you have experience working in another country. Your next interviewer will go crazy for your adaptable foreign skillset and your know-how in the workplace. And don’t forget to ask your boss for a glowing recommendation for when you return home!

3. Cultural Awareness

Apart from all the great work experience you’ll gain, an internship abroad is a great chance for you to gain some perspective. Take it as an opportunity to learn more about a country that differs from your own. You’ll probably be living there for a while, so the more your learn the better!


4. To Have Fun

There are lots of different experiences and skills you can gain from going on an internship abroad, but let’s not forget the most important aspect: fun! There’s nothing like a sour experience to ruin your mindset, so remember to take a break from the working side of your time abroad and relax! Travel, eat great food and meet interesting people. Sometimes, the work can wait!

5. Gain Independence

Struggling to flee the nest? An internship abroad is the perfect time to start learning how to live on your own. It can seem a little daunting at first, but exciting and empowering at the same time! There’s no better time to stop using the Bank of Mum and Dad than on a well-paid internship abroad!


See Also
6 Reasons To Do An Internship Abroad

6. You’ll Live In A Foreign Country

So, internship abroad. Abroad. As in a foreign country. Just let that settle in your mind for a while. If you’ve ever dreamed of living in another country then an internship abroad might just be the ticket you’ve been waiting for! Take this chance to learn everything you can and live every second of every day doing something different, like attend local festivals, try local delicacies! Join a local gym and meet tons of interesting people! Life really never stops when you’re in another country!


7. International Connections

Speaking of meeting new people, how about try out your social networking skills! And no, I’m not talking about Facebook. It can be a little scary when you’re meeting new people in a foreign country, but be brave! A strong international social network can do wonders for your career prospects, improve your conversation skills and open doors you didn’t even know were there! Why not try attending a company mixer and testing your luck!


8. Learn A New Language

One of the quickest ways to learn a new language is by becoming completely immersed in the culture- and the quickest way to do that is by travelling to the country. Doing an internship abroad in a non-english speaking location is a great way to dramatically increase your language skills. Fluency is right around the corner after that!

Are you thinking about going on an internship abroad? Was this article helpful to you? Make sure to let us know in the comments below!

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