7 Reasons It Is Cool To Be Single In 2019

Single life is the goal right now. Relationships are nothing but drama. Here are seven reasons it is cool to be single in 2019!
1. Independence
It goes without saying that being single gives you a level of independence you will not get in a relationship. You have no obligations to anyone, no date nights to factor into your schedule, no events to attend with their family. You can live completely by your own rules. This includes financial independence. Relationships can be expensive between meals out, romantic getaways, and anniversary gifts. Keep your money and your freedom and enjoy being single!
2. Eat Whatever You Want
Every couple under the sun has had an argument over what to have for dinner. One of you wants pizza, the other one wants curry, and neither one is willing to compromise. When you are single, this never happens. If you want a pizza, you have a pizza! Sure, you will probably be eating alone – but it is a lot cheaper this way. Plus, if you cook something from scratch and it turns out to be awful, nobody will ever know.
3. No More Waiting To Watch Your Favourite Show
There’s nothing more annoying than when you’ve been watching your favourite show with your other half and then just when the big finale is about to start, they announce they have a night out. You never need to worry about this when you are single. Watch the entire season in one day, nobody is going to stop you. Even better, there is no threat of your partner speeding ahead and spoiling future episodes for you. Having your own TV schedule is one major reason it is cool to be single this year.
4. No In-Laws
Not everyone has a bad relationship with their in-laws, but one of the main reasons it is cool to be single is that you have no in-laws in the first place. There are no Sunday dinners at their parents’ house where you have to wear your finest clothes and act as if you are dining in the grand hall of the Titanic. When you are single, you only have your own family to impress.
5. Dating Apps
The chances of you meeting your dream person on an app are slim, but that does not make it any less fun. Swiping through dating apps is a great way to pass the time when you are single, and you will miss the thrill when you eventually settle down with someone. There are more dating apps than ever before including ones specifically for geeky people and ones where the woman must make the first move. Use your single life to explore the various apps on offer! It may be cool to be single, but you don’t want to deny yourself the excitement of the dating scene.
6. Self Discovery
It is so easy to lose yourself in a relationship. Your partner becomes such a significant part of your identity that you cannot remember who you were before them. Sometimes that is the hardest part of a breakup. If this is how you feel, then it is time to rediscover yourself. There are so many ways to do this. Did you have a hobby that you loved but started to neglect when you entered a relationship? Now is the perfect time to get back into it! Start making more plans with your friends, or go for a long walk whilst listening to your favourite music. You’ll soon find yourself again.
7. Relaxation
Relationships are time-consuming and can be exhausting – especially when your other half snores. Use your free time to relax and enjoy the silence. Whether it is going to bed early or taking a lengthy bubble bath, you deserve some ‘me time’. With no emotional baggage from a relationship, you can live a relatively stress-free life.