10 Reasons I’m So Glad I Chose Community College

A lot of people knock the idea of going to a community college. They view the experience as inferior to a four-year college, while this simply is not the case. I enjoyed my time at Montgomery County Community College, and I would not have chosen any other way to start my college career. These are some reasons why I chose community college.
1. Transition
While I was a good student in high school, I certainly was not as driven as I could have been. When I graduated, I knew that I had made the right choice to start at a community college to help me prepare for the coursework that is required at a four-year college. Once I entered college, I was more driven to succeed, and being in community college allowed me to be surrounded by people who supported my drive towards success.
2. Cost
It is no secret that the cost of tuition is staggering, and is only increasing year by year. As someone who comes from a family who does not have a ton of money, I valued the fact that I could have my community college education covered by scholarships and grants. I had to take out loans when I transferred, but I was able to get my Gen-Ed courses and books covered at community college and most of my courses transferred over.
3. The people
I met the most amazing people ever during my time at community college. People from all walks of life, from people who were taking classes at community college while still in high school to seniors wanting to stay active by taking classes for no credit. I met people of all races, nationalities, and religions. Every person I met and interacted with at my community college had a huge impact on who I am today. I am glad I chose community college over and over again.
4. The classes
The classes I took at my community college really helped me to broaden my horizons. I was encouraged to learn new things and to be open to new ideas. I learned to stretch my mind in new ways and to think critically about a variety of topics. While I took a variety of classes throughout my high school career, the classes I took at my community college took my knowledge even further and introduced me to even more concepts than I could have imagined.
5. The schedule
The schedule I had at community college allowed me to have a part-time job while going to school and being involved on campus. My class schedule was arranged in a way that I could get homework done on campus while maintaining a social life on and off campus. I learned how to manage my time better than I did in high school, and these skills translated to my Temple experience. Also, the short commute gave me time to get things done at home as well.
6. The lessons I learned
I learned so many valuable lessons in and out of the classroom. Because I chose community college, I learned tips on how to be safe while navigating the city alone, which came in handy so many times during my time at Temple and that it is okay to make mistakes and that things will not always go my way. I also learned how to forgive myself and others for faults and that the people who are meant to be in my life will find a way to stay, whether it is by fate or by their effort.
7. The professors
All of my professors were experts in their fields. The common misconception about community college is that the professors are not as qualified as professors at four-year schools, but this could not further than the truth. One of my music professors taught at Temple University as well. Many community college professors teach at four-year universities. They expect the same level of work from their community college students as they do from their other students.
8. The student organizations
My community college offered such a wide variety of student organizations. In my second year, I joined my school’s campus club and when on to take on a leadership role in my final year. This leadership role allowed me to meet so many new people from other clubs who are still friends today. I also got to see what other clubs were available and became involved in a few others to help them continue to grow as well, which means the world to me. I am so glad I chose community college.
9. The accomplishments
In my first semester, I achieved Dean’s List, which pushed me to achieve this multiple times throughout my college career. I graduated from community college as a member of Phi Theta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude. This pride in my academics pushed me to do well at Temple. I graduated Cum Laude and was a member of Golden Key International Honour Society. Seeing myself succeed in various ways in community college fueled my drive to succeed at Temple.
10. The overall experience
I got to do so many things that I would never have done if I had not gone to community college. such as go on prayer walks, visit the Philadelphia Museum of Art, and learn about a variety of cultures and religions. I had the chance to use my creativity to make a difference in the world and gained leadership skills that I still use today. All of these things helped me to shape who I am today and allowed me to grow so that I could be successful when I transferred to Temple.
I chose community college, what about you? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: weheartit.com

Ashley is a recent graduate from Temple University in Philadelphia, PA with her Bachelor's in journalism. She love writing articles about music and Philadelphia. Ashley would love to pursue a career in journalism in New York City.