5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At Mizzou

The cap has been thrown, high school has been left behind. Now is the time for the high school class of 2017 to get excited about college! For many, this can come along with feelings of nervousness, anxiety, or confusion. No matter the student though, they chose their college because they knew it felt like home. Each college is different and special in their own ways but Mizzou felt like the appropriate place for me during the next four years. When I visited the University of Missouri, I knew it had a few highlights that made it the best. Check out the five reasons I’m excited to start at Mizzou!
1. Involvement and Student Organizations
From Fishing Club to Ballroom Dance Mizzou has something for everyone. With over 500 student organizations if you can’t find something you’re interested in, you’re not looking hard enough! Over 80% of University of Missouri students participate in campus involvement. Looking to the future, I’m incredibly excited to join clubs such as Mizzou Off-Broadway, Improv Club, and Best Buddies. Putting yourself out there when it comes to campus involvement will allow you to get the most out of your college experience!
2. Structure of Freshman Interest Groups
One of the biggest things that drew me to Mizzou were the Freshman Interest Groups, also known as FIGs. This well structured academic program allows you to live with and around people with similar academic goals and interests as you. FIGs are a group of approximately 15 students who are interested in the same academic area. You are placed into classes together, live in the same hall, and even on the same floor. To me, one of the best advantages of being in a FIG is that you already have built in friends and study buddies. I’m looking forward to being in a FIG this upcoming fall with other students interested in Journalism. FIGs allow you to sit back and relax while your schedule is already chosen and you know you’ll be surrounded by students similar to you!
3. Mizzou Rec
Where else are students blessed with an Olympic sized swimming pool, a climbing wall, an outdoor relaxation pool, multiple basketball and racquet ball courts, and even an indoor beach with a vortex pool and a waterfall? Mizzou offers all of this and more in their top of the line Recreation Center. Students enjoy these facilities free of charge with their student ID! Mizzou Rec was named the best college recreation center by College Rank and Huffington Post! Whether you’re a seasoned athlete in the gym 7 days a week, or a recovering couch potato attempting to avoid the Mizzou 22 the University of Missouri Recreation Center has something for you!
4. Speakers Circle
I’m pretty sure the only place you’ll be able to find a student tradition, a middle aged man rocking a hacky sack, and student organizations spreading the word or raising money for charities all at the same time is going to be in the University of Missouri’s Speaker Circle. When I first visited the college we walked past the circle and the hacky sack man was in full swing! My next few visits the circle was filled with Greek organizations raising money for their philanthropies, and when I went to the summer welcome orientation I was able to partake in the Mizzou tradition of standing in the middle of the circle and chanting “I love Mizzou” three times! Speaker Circle is a place where you can share your opinion and speak your mind!
5. Homecoming History
Possibly the coolest fact about Mizzou is that we started the tradition of Homecoming! While there are other campuses who try to take credit for this history changing event, Mizzou has been given the recognition in Trivial Pursuit and Jeopardy! so there’s no doubt that the Tigers were the ones to bring this tradition alive! Since we did start the tradition, of course we have the best homecoming around! Never will you see more black and gold, alumni, or Tiger tails than the week of homecoming! Students are proud to show their Tiger pride, while previous Mizzou students come to relive their glory days and remember their many homecoming memories as Tigers. Prepare for the biggest game of the year, and know that the University of Missouri is where it all started!
Yes, leaving home for the first time and preparing to start life on my own is scary, however knowing that I’m headed to a place as fantastic as Mizzou puts my mind and nerves at ease! These are just a few of the reason’s I’m excited about my college journey but the list could go on and on! I’m so proud to be a Tiger and I’m ready to roar my way to success!