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5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At Johnson and Wales University

5 Reasons I’m Excited To Start At Johnson and Wales University

There is a multitude of reasons why I am overjoyed for this upcoming college adventure, particularly at Johnson and Wales University.

In just a few short months, we’ll all be headed across the country, whether it be local or far away – most of us will be traveling to our favorite places.  There is a multitude of reasons why I am overjoyed for this upcoming adventure, particularly at Johnson and Wales University.

1. Passion exists in doing what I love the most

Baking & Pastry Arts:

This isn’t high-school anymore where you are more than likely forced to study certain academic core classes in which you have no interest in. This is college, you pick your classes and you pick your future!


2. Networking (Social & Personal)

All the activities, clubs, internships that are available, would never have been offered in high school. I would have never imagined that I’d want to study abroad.


3. Diversity

Johnson and Wales University is usually perceived as a Culinary Arts Institution which makes people look the other way. It houses many majors from Graphic Design to Equine Studies, also the students that attend expose you to the many different cultures and languages.

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Lounging under a swaying palm tree, sipping Starbucks and studying for his or her chemistry exam sits a typical University of Miami student. UM students learn and grow amidst the temptations of South Beach and in the most luxurious weather.

4. Location

The Downcity Campus is surrounded by the city and beautiful scenery that gives an upbeat feel . Everywhere you look, something is always taking place,being around all of this will make it almost impossible to stay in your dorm without wanting to get occupied.



5. The Next Chapter

College is where you get to prepare yourself for the rest of your life – the life you’ve dreamt about for years. Now, I know life will throw me for loops time and time again, and that what I have planned out now could change even tomorrow let alone in four years time, I’m excited to begin shaping my future into everything I’ve wanted it to be.

What are you most excited about starting at Johnson and Wales University? Share in the comments below!
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