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5 Reasons I Decided To Go To Clemson University

5 Reasons I Decided To Go To Clemson University

Deciding to attend Clemson was the single best decision of my life.These are the 5 reasons I chose to make Clemson University my home!

Deciding to attend Clemson was the single best decision of my life. It’s where I made my best friends, where I learn and grow as a person, and now where I consider home. It’s not easy choosing a college, especially if you are as picky as I am, but these are the 5 reasons I chose to make Clemson University my home!

1. The People.

No matter where you go in Clemson, you can always find a friendly face. The people are honestly what make the school so amazing. I remember when I went to tour everywhere I went the students were smiling and laughing and I realized it was because they genuinely love their school and friends, which is something I didn’t see at a lot of other places.

2. Great Academics.

Whatever major you are in, you can be sure you will be challenged at Clemson. I wanted a school that would provide me a top notch education, but I didn’t want to have to compete every second with my classmates. Clemson has rigorous academic programs, but at the same time has lots of resources that support students and help them to succeed.


3. Football.

Since I was the first in my family to go to Clemson and I’m an out-of-state student I honestly had no idea what I was getting into when it came to football. To be honest, Clemson’s team itself wasn’t what made me love it, but rather the incredible school spirit that every student has for all sports at Clemson.

4. The Campus.

You cannot deny that Clemson’s campus is gorgeous in any season. Having a beautiful campus to walk through on the way to class really does brighten my day.

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5. It Was Just Right.

If you ask a student why they chose Clemson, I bet you 3/4 people will tell you “it just felt right”. I know this seems like a obscure answer, but those 4 words hold more meaning than you think. The truth is we could go on and on about the millions of things we love about Clemson, but that would take all day. If you’re not a student you just won’t get it. The Clemson Family is a real thing and it makes the school feel like home.

What are the reasons you chose to go to Clemson University!? Share in the comments below!

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