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5 Reasons I Chose The University of Cincinnati

5 Reasons I Chose The University of Cincinnati

When kids enter their senior year, they have an idea of where they want to go to college. Read on to find out why I chose University of Cincinnati.

When most kids enter their senior year of high school, they usually have a strong idea of where they want to go to college. Whether it’s because of sports, how prestigious the school is or family connections, there is a lot of different reasons why people choose the schools they want to attend (and shed loads of cash on) for the next four to five years after high school. In high school, I knew exactly what I wanted to do but no idea where I wanted to go. The possibilities seemed endless because I could go anywhere in the world that I wanted to. To narrow down the options, I made an extensive list of what I wanted in a college. So here are five reasons why I chose the University of Cincinnati:

1. Big City Feels

Little boutiques, edgy cafes, creative restaurants, and amazing art scenes all naturally come with a city. Cincinnati has it all. Having the second largest OctoberFest in the world, or having an Insomnia Cookies on Calhoun Street for those late night cravings, or even taking cute Tumblr pics at the Cincinnati Contemporary Arts Museum (CAC for short because it wouldn’t be in Cincy without an abbreviation) makes Cincinnati a total college city with plenty to do.

2. Sports: On and Off Campus

Go downtown and on each side of you there’s huge stadiums; one for NFL’s Cincinnati Bengals and the other for MLB’s Cincinnati Reds. Closer to home you have your Bearcats in almost every sport imaginable. If their isn’t a varsity team for it, there is always a club team! So if you’re a sporty gal or guy, UC is definitely the school for you as it is for me.



3. The Freshest Start that Anyone Could Possibly Get (Almost Terrifying)

Living exactly seven hours and fifty four minutes away from campus solidifies the fact that I am an out of stater. I also know exactly 7 people in Ohio and none of them live anywhere near Cincinnati. I know no one in Cincy so I have to get out there and try to make myself the person I want to be with no one from my past to tell me to be anyone else. So I dare you to be as adventurous as me and restart your whole life because why not?

4. Population: Perfect

UC has about 45,000 students that attend the school. It is large but not as large as OSU with its whopping population of 66,000. UC is perfect in size as well so it shouldn’t take me 25 minutes to walk to my 8 am psych class. Sorry OSU, you’re a little too large for me.

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5. Work Hard, Play Harder!

Let’s be honest, if you’re not going to college to be the next most influential person in the world, then you’re going to party (or a little mix of both, do you boo). At UC the party scene is pretty great from what I’ve heard. And if it’s not then it looks like I’ve got my work cut out for me. Partying is a lifestyle and I have conquered it in a way that seems slightly impossible. Learn your balance early kids and it will definitely help you in your future.

Why did you chose your school? Did this article make you want to apply to University of Cincinnati? Let us know down below!
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