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5 Reasons I Chose To Go To Michigan State University

5 Reasons I Chose To Go To Michigan State University

Here are the tip five reasons I chose to go to Michigan State University. MSU is one of the top universities in the countries and is beautiful and fun!

I seriously can’t believe I’m already a junior! College has flown by so fast, but I can still remember when I made my decision to attend Michigan State University. There are many reasons why I love MSU but are the 5 reasons why I chose to go to Michigan State University.

1. Top ranking majors

Besides Michigan State University being the one of the top 40 universities in the country, MSU has multiple top ranked undergraduate and graduate programs. The number one reason why I chose to attend MSU was because of the hospitality program. Michigan State University’s The School of Hospitality Business has been ranked by TheBestColleges as number two out of the top 30 hospitality programs in the nation.

2. Study abroad

I remember being told my freshmen year, “if you have the opportunity to study abroad, do it.” Luckily I have chance to study abroad in Australia this spring semester. MSU has over 200 study abroad programs in more than 60 countries, so there are many opportunities for anyone considering to study abroad.


3. Good distance away from home

I needed a break from my home state. I believed attending a school that was four and a half hours away was far enough. The drive to and from MSU is a little long, but I’m still able to drive home for the weekend and still have time to hang out with my family.

4. The campus is down right gorgeous

I didn’t think it was possibly for a campus to be beautiful in every season (especially winter, because I hate winter). If you don’t believe me check out the pics!


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 5. New state.

Before attending MSU I had never been to the state of Michigan. When I used to see the Pure Michigan ads it was always on my bucket list to visit the state. It’s been three years I’m still in love with The Mitten State!

Why did you choose Michigan State University? Leave your comments below!!
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