5 Reasons Why I Chose To Go To Columbia College Chicago

Like anyone else starting their college search, I too spent hours upon hours browsing the Internet, taking quizzes, and exploring majors to try and find the perfect college for me. Eventually, I found Columbia College Chicago, which seemed absolutely perfect for me in every way. Here is 5 reasons why I chose Columbia College Chicago over any other school.
1. Major
Columbia is one of the only colleges that offers exactly what I was looking for: a degree in film directing. now there are plenty of other “film” colleges out there, but Columbia goes deeper into all the aspects of film for people who really know what they want to go into.
2. Location
Columbia is right in the heart of Chicago, need I say more? Chicago is such a gorgeous city and has so much to offer, especially to someone just headed off to college. The Magnificent Mile and Grant Park are literally blocks away. Not to mention, there is also a ton of other colleges nearby, which means plenty of opportunities to meet new people my age. Also, being from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, Columbia is one of the only film colleges that offers the perfect distance for me away from home without having to go to LA or NYC.
3. People
I went to the admitted students day that is offered to students so they can help you decide whether not Columbia is a good fit for you. Everyone who worked (or was a student there already) was so helpful and kind and made the whole process less terrifying. Half the time, you were being lead by other students and could ask questions or get insiders info. Everyone who worked there seemed happy to help and were genuinely excited about you being there and choosing Columbia.
4. Opportunity
Columbia has so many clubs, groups, and activities for students, it’ll be hard choosing which ones to join. They also encourage collaboration between students and working together, so two students can benefit off each other and get a taste of the real world. Columbia also offers the amazing opportunity for some Cinema Arts and Science majors to intern in LA, you know, just one of the most popular filmmaking destinations in the world.
5. Classes
The first day of class, you can literally start taking courses that apply to your major. While you do have to take some classes like math and science, you also get to take classes that go directly towards your major, and there is so many to choose from. Most other colleges do not give you the opportunities that Columbia does with classes. They also make room in your schedule for electives, which makes getting a minor much easier.
What are the reasons you chose to go to Columbia College Chicago!? Share in the comments below!
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