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20 Reasons To Go Out Of Your Comfort Zone

20 Reasons To Go Out Of Your Comfort Zone

WARNING: ok, so, I know all of these reasons below might be cliche, they are so true. These are things I realized after breaking out of my comfort zone.

WARNING: ok, so, I know all of these reasons below might be really cliché, but they are so true. After being so closed off and unwilling to do things that scared me for so long, these are some things I’ve realized after breaking out of my comfort zone.

1) You’ll Learn Something

If you can branch out and try something new or different, you can learn a lot about yourself.

2) Start Small

No first step is too small. Whether it is taking a new route to work/school or trying a new coffee place, anything is a great first step!


3) Creativity is Crucial

Creativity is the ability to think outside of the box. It’s a lot harder to be creative when you’re stuck in the same box every single day.

4) Be Spontaneous

Just as there are people who thrive on snap decisions, others are more comfortable weighing all of the possible options several times. Sometimes, making a spontaneous call is in order, just to get things moving. Doing so can help you kickstart your personal projects and teach you to trust your judgement.

5) Change is Good

Ooohhh “change”, scary word…right? New things can sound scary and be overwhelming, but it’s also great. Once you get over those fearful thoughts, you’ll focus less on where you are now, and where you want to be.


6) Push Yourself

Even though it’s much easier to sit back and not attempt the things that scare us, we need to do it. If you push yourself you’ll explore so much more!

7) You Learn From Your Mistakes

Instead of looking back at poor decisions with regret, try to find the lesson that it resulted in.

8) Use Your Gut

If you truly feel that something you are scared to do is going to be amazing, trust yourself and do it! On the other hand, if you get negative feelings about doing something, maybe take a step back and re-think things.


9) Great Things Never Came From Comfort Zones

People that are successful have had to do the things that scared them. Everyone made tough decisions. Everyone stepped out of their comfort zones.

10) Do Something Wild

Try something new. Maybe something that a friend is into and has been dying to get you to try or even a new bar or restaurant for date night. Taking the first, small steps outside of your comfort zone are just as important as the bigger ones.

11) Confidence Is Not Innate

Nobody is born confident. To be confident takes courage, willingness to change and a whole lot of faking it. If you’re not confident in yourself, that’s probably the best reason to do something crazy and spontaneously awesome – you may fall, but you will pick yourself back up.


12) Fake It

If you give off the appearance that you’re a self assured, confident, boss-ass bitch, people will believe it and treat you like one. Soon enough, you’ll realize it’s true!

13) Conquer Your Fears

Do things that scare you. The more you do things that scare you, the more you’ll realize that you are capable of much more than you thought you were, and the more confident and well-rounded you’ll become.

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14) Become A Part of Something New

Joining a new group that centers around an interest is a great way to further explore said interest. Try to find a local book club, dance classes or cooking lessons to sign up for.

15) Challenging Yourself Can Help You Be Your Best Self

Stepping outside one’s comfort zone is an important part in personal growth. How can we expect to evolve in our lives and careers if we only stick to habit and routine? We can’t.

16) Change It Up

Switching up a simple daily routine can give us a new outlook. Try a new lunch spot or a new place to study.


17) Personal Growth

Natural human nature is to fear failure. Holding back and hesitating to attempt new things are the obvious consequences. However, this prevents us from harnessing our true potential for growth and transformation, impedes exploring the unknown, and ultimately narrows down our personality.  

18) Get Yourself Support

Having supportive friends and family members is crucial. No matter what anyone tells you, it IS okay to ask for help!

19) You Stop Wishing And Start Doing

Have you dreamed of being/ doing something but were too afraid to try? When you push yourself and get over that fear you can come much closer to your goals.


20) Get Off Your Ass

You can spend as much time as you want thinking about doing things, but in order to make change you need to actually do it! Trust me, I have been wanting to expand my comfort zone all throughout high school but was constantly terrified.

What else did you learn when you finally got out of your comfort zone? Let us know down below!
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