Ranking Of Places To Hookup At Syracuse University

After a few careless drinks and a ton of flirting, you finally find someone to hook up with in the midst of the crowd. For those at Syracuse, the best hook up spots either lead beyond our beloved campus or into the homes of students. Which is the best? That depends on how far things will go… Keep reading to find out the best places to hookup at Syracuse University.
1. The Dome
Dome in the Dome…need I say more?
2. Team rooms in Whitman or Bird Library
Team rooms are a fun way to add excitement to any study date.
3. Bathroom of DJs
Gross, but effective if you cannot wait to get back to the dorms.
4. The kissing bench
The superstition adds more fun, but make sure to do it at night when nobody is around because… weird.
5. Any Dorm room
Dorm rooms are a safe, non-public place to hook up.. like pearls, it’s a classic that is not going out of style.
6. Single Stall bathrooms in Newhouse
You can lock the door and they are big and spacious.
7. Anywhere at ESF
Because if they can use our facilities we can damn well use theirs.
8. Slocum
All the architecture students are too busy trying to meet their deadlines to focus one you.
9. The upper levels of any library
Nobody is ever up there, also makes you feel more cultured.
10. Ground floor of Schine
If you can get past the creepy dungeon vibes…or if you are into that.