Ranking Of Places To Hookup At Loyola University Maryland

After a few careless drinks and a ton of flirting, you finally find someone to hook up with in the midst of the crowd. For those at Loyola, the best hook up spots either lead beyond our beloved campus or into the homes of students. Which is the best? That depends on how far things will go… Keep reading to find out the best places to hookup at Loyola University Maryland.
9. Study rooms at the library
Never underestimate a study date. Things can take a dramatic turn very quickly so always be prepared. For some privacy, the study rooms at the library are always vacant. Word of advice: move away from the glass window.
8. Power Plant (ground level)
Power Plant is huge and the perfect place to get lost… especially with that special someone. With all of the dark corners and couches everywhere, you will have no trouble steering clear from someone else you may have been lip locking with the previous night (awkward).
7. MaGerk`s
While not as big, MaGerk’s provides a roofless section designated to smokers, however; if you can make out while shivering in the cold you’ll be good to go.
6. PBR Baltimore
This is where those annoying girls who wont stop taking Snapchat stories are thanked. Because of them, the stage is always crowded which serves as a barrier to hide the couches near the wall.
5. Hopkins Kitchens
This communal kitchen has no use to the drunken college student at 2 o’clock in the morning, mostly for the fact that it’s a fire hazard. Either way, you’re in the clear for unexpected visitors while things get steamy by the oven.
4. Campion/Newman Apartments
Living room, kitchen, bathroom – the choice is yours.
3. Inner Harbor
The Inner Harbor is more for those who think they’ve found “the one”. After a nice meal by the water, the dock is a romantic stop to see if the sparks are there.
2. In the middle of any bar
A common occurrence bumping into a sloppy couple in the middle of a bar. Its funny because a majority of the time it makes you want to barf catching a glimpse of them eating each others faces off. If you like people taking pictures of you, the floor is all yours.
1. The Classic Dorm Room
Always is and always will be Number One… you just can’t beat it. Especially when your roommate is gone for the weekend. Score!
Featured photo source: weheartit.com and visitmaryland.org

I am a majoring in writing and communications with a minor in marketing. In my free time, I love to be with people who make me laugh and who support me.