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10 Questions We Want To Ask The FSU Transit System

10 Questions We Want To Ask The FSU Transit System

The FSU transit system is all sorts of out-of-whack. Here are 10 questions I know we've all been dying to ask the FSU transit system workers.

The FSU transit system is all sorts of out-of-whack. Here are 10 questions I know we’ve all been dying to ask the FSU transit system workers.

1. Why are we building more dorms & not more parking garages?

This is the obvious question. Parking garages are a nightmare throughout the day. It honestly feels like you’re in the Hunger Games when you’re roaming around searching for an empty spot before anyone else can get it. Another parking garage would have been much more useful than the high quality dorms that were just built for the freshmen.

2. Who actually comes up with the number of available spots for the parking garages?

If you’ve been here for awhile, you know that number is a LIE. If it’s under 100, just expect there to be no spots.



3. Why are there so many faculty spots?

It’s a 24:1 ratio. They don’t need that much parking. Besides, they’re always empty!



4. Do bus drivers purposely drive away from drunkies trying to catch the Nite Nole?

Nothing beats watching people stumbling out of The Strip trying to chase down the Nite Nole. I’ve seen it and it’s hilarious. The bus drivers probably think so too.


5. But why is it 5o degrees on the bus?

It’s honestly pretty annoying having to carry around a jacket in 90 degree weather just for the bus ride home. But at the same time, I really don’t want to freeze to death.




6. Bus drivers, could you maybe tell us if you plan on abandoning the bus for 15+ minutes?

Seriously… we get worried. One moment we’re listening to music, the next we don’t know where we are, or what’s going on.



7. Can bike riders please try not to run us over?

I applaud your fast and easy method of transportation, but I’m just trying to make it to class alive. Thanks.

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8. Do you enjoy giving out those $30 parking tickets?

I can assure you, we LOVE getting them.



9. Is the $1,000 rent in College Town worth it to avoid parking?

That’s a steep price, but I’m honestly considering it. You gotta do whatcha gotta do.


10. Do any other schools have students drive people to their car just to make sure they get a spot?

This one is my favorite and it’s actually comical. You know parking at FSU is a joke when…


Will we ever get answers to these questions? Probably not. But it’s fine. Even though your parking and transportation system is a pain in the butt, we still love you FSU.

Let us know what you think about the FSU Transit System! Drop us a line!!
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