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Quarantine Alone? Best Tips To Have An Amazing Masturbation Experience

Quarantine Alone? Best Tips To Have An Amazing Masturbation Experience

All of us singletons are in the same boat this quarantine, I feel like I am living in my very own Bridget Jones’s movie. However, there are ways to stay stimulated when you’re self-isolating, so without further ado, here are some of the best tips to stay sexually active on your own.

1. Porn

The title says it all. If you want to have a little more fun masturbating, open up that private browser and search for something you like, or better yet, look for something you’ve never watched before. Now is the time to experiment, you have the time, so why not? Check out some of the categories you don’t usually go to and see if there’s anything you’re interested in. There’s nothing that helps you have a good masturbation experience like porn, especially when it’s something you’re really into. Just make sure that if you have roommates, you have your headphones in.

2. Sex Toys

You don’t have to do this ~completely~ on your own, I would recommend investing in a couple of new sex toys or pull out one of your at-home favorites and go with it. If you don’t have any sex toys, browse through,, even has some, and I would gladly try anything that Rihanna is promoting. If you’re out of ideas, check out another one of our articles, “The Best Sex Toys To Try According To Your Zodiac”. So really, you do have some company during this quarantine, if you’re in a relationship, this might be a welcome activity anyways.

3. Lock The Door

I’m just going to say it, please lock the door if you don’t live alone. If you have roommates, if you are living with your family, just lock the door so that you can have complete privacy when you’re masturbating. Plus, having the door locked takes the stress off of anyone walking in on you. It’s important to relax and take your time when you’re masturbating, so adding an extra level of privacy can only do more good than harm.

4. Take Your Time

This is the time to do whatever you want. Plus, being in quarantine, we have a lot of time anyways. Never rush yourself, especially when it comes to your body and your needs. Take your time exploring your body and what feels good. This is also relevant when it comes to watching porn or using sex toys, don’t just settle on the first thing you see, or the first setting that comes up, explore what exists so that you can have the best experience.

5. Take Nudes

Nothing boosts your confidence more than taking nudes. To be clear, I’m not telling you to send nudes, but just taking them, and keeping them in the hidden folder of your iPhone not only boosts your confidence but also gets you in the mood. Walking around naked, in lingerie, or even your sweats, and taking teaser photos can be fun! Plus, saving them on your hidden folder on your phone is fun to look at later, or even for inspiration next time.

6. Invest In Some Lingerie

Just like putting on athletic gear to go to the gym, and a swimsuit to go to the pool, when you’re in the mood, you should dress for the occasion. If you want, put on makeup, a nice outfit, and put on some lingerie to help get you in a sexy mindset. Dressing the part can also make you feel more comfortable when you’re masturbating. Plus, lingerie just looks good on everybody and can give you the confidence you need to start playing with yourself.

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7. Switch Up The Location

Masturbating only in your bedroom, while extremely comfortable, is a habit. It’s fun to switch up the location of where you masturbate, the kitchen, the bathroom, the couch, or wherever, but changing the location provides the mind with a new stimulus. Changing the location also gives you the opportunity to try different things and different positions.

8. Indulge Yourself

Whatever you want to do, do it. At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter what is on this list, only that you’re doing what you want to do. Do you want to take nudes? Do you want to play with that new toy you just got? Or maybe try out something you’ve been afraid of? Even if all you want to do afterward is eat an entire pint of ice cream, do it! This is all about you. Don’t say no to yourself.

9. Practice Self-Care Afterward

Do a facemask, take a bath, exfoliate, whatever your self-care routine is, follow it! Taking care of yourself after you masturbate is just as important as building up to it. From beginning to finish, masturbation should be an entirely positive experience and that doesn’t end when you orgasm, but afterward, if you’re tired, exhausted, thirsty, hungry, whatever, go and satisfy yourself. Doing a facemask and relaxing after masturbating is so rewarding and extremely relaxing. Take advantage of the endorphins you have after you’re done and maintain that positive attitude throughout the rest of your day or night. Watch your favorite show, order in what you’ve been craving, it’s okay to be selfish. If there was any time where it’s okay to be selfish, it’s during masturbation, but that also extends afterward, when you’re taking care of yourself. This is a philosophy that should be applied to your everyday life.

Masturbation is highly individual and no one woman’s body is the same as another’s. It’s important not to compare yourself to other women, especially when it comes to things as intimate as masturbation. Every body is different and requires different things, maybe a different toy, different porn preferences, or maybe you need the stimulation of phone sex. This list doesn’t only apply to people who are single or living alone, but even in relationships, it’s healthy to masturbate. So, go and do your thing!

Leave any questions or comments below! I love hearing from you 🙂