15 Pumpkin Designs That You’ll Want To Copy For Halloween This Year

Pumpkin carving is the best part of Halloween and if you like getting creative you’ll already be thinking about your design. We’ve gathered the 15 most interesting and impressive pumpkins on the internet that should give you some inspiration.
1. Teeny Tiny Pumpkin Attack
Usually we think of pumpkins as exclusively big and orange but they also come in smaller sizes too called ‘munchkins’. If you see them in the supermarket, pick up a few of these ‘munchkins’ and use them to make a creative pumpkin scene. If you want to recreate this specific design the trick is to use cocktail sticks to fix them onto the larger pumpkin.
2. Three Wise Pumpkins
We’ve all seen the three wise monkeys who hear no evil, see no evil, and speak no evil and they’re a symbol that you can totally use for pumpkins. Like with the first design, you’ll need small pumpkins, (this time to create eyes) and pick up some plastic skeleton arms too. They’ll look perfect as an indoor decoration for a party or outdoors to invite trick or treaters.
3. A Sinister Smile
There’s nothing wrong with opting for something easier and a typical scary grin is a popular look for a reason. However, if you want to make it look even more dynamic, avoid a triangle nose and go for something more like this design. Don’t be afraid to use the space, as with this big, zig-zag mouth, and by fitting the eyes to a similar shape you can create a truly striking pumpkin.
4. The Nightmare Before Christmas
Jack Skellington faces are another pretty popular look to go for but why not honour everyone’s favourite Halloween movie with something a bit different? We all know the iconic scene where Jack walks up this spiralling slope with the moon behind him and it will look great recreated on your pumpkin!
5. Skeletal Arms
Usually pumpkins are reserved for a scary face but you can also make other limbs like these skeletal arms. Pile one longer pumpkin and one shorter pumpkin up together with the arm on one and a hand on the other. Position them outside on your lawn and they’ll look like skeletons rising up from their graves.
6. Some Pretty Stars
Pumpkins don’t have to look scary and if you have enough patience then you can create something as detailed and beautiful as these night’s sky creations. Although the stars may seem fiddly, begin by drawing them onto your pumpkin with a sharpie and cut them out with a knife. Once you’ve done your stars (the more random the pattern the better) cover the rest with small holes. Some people use a drill to do this but you can also buy a pumpkin carving kit for less than £5 at most supermarkets if you don’t have one.
7. A Twisted Forest
If a more stylish design is more your thing then this twisted forest is another option. The trick for this pumpkin is to avoid cutting all the way through the pumpkin (it’s better just to scrape off the solid surface) because the intricate design would fall apart if you did. Take the design right up to the top rather than creating the usual lid for an even more stylish look.
8. A Stylish Marble Design
Decorating pumpkins doesn’t just have to be about carving them, painting them can look way more stylish and elegant. Choose three different coloured paints (black, white and orange look pretty good together) and drip them down the pumpkin. Wait for it to dry and then place it wherever you like.
9. An Intricate Floral Design
If you don’t want to make a mess with tonnes of paint then you can create a more intricate design with sharpie or henna. These henna inspired designs are absolutely stunning and will look great on Instagram, bringing a slightly boho look to your party. Or you can use the henna to make a small cobweb design if you want to stick to something more Halloween-y.
10. A Day Of The Dead Dance
If you like intricate designs but still want to do carving, this day of the dead dance proves that you can do both. The lacy, criss-cross background is a really effective design and the detailed clothes on the dancers are very impressive. The outside is also filled with flowers to frame the criss-cross design and complete the look.
11. An Alice In Wonderland Inspired Pumpkin
When it comes to intricate designs, this whimsical Alice in Wonderland inspired pumpkin is so impressive. Again, this design doesn’t carve all the way through the side of the pumpkin, it simply carves off the surface. Maybe it isn’t a realistic pumpkin for a beginner but if you’re feeling extra adventurous then why not give it a go?
12. A Cute Pumpkin Totoro
If you want to create a pumpkin inspired by your favourite film then choose something simple like this adorable Totoro design. You’re bound to get a tonne of compliments from Studio Ghibli fans and it doesn’t even require too much skill to create. The only slightly complicated bit are the ears. Make these by taking a bit of pumpkin from the lid (in ear shapes) and secure them onto the top using cocktail sticks.
13. Puking Pumpkins
If you want to do something creative that will also give everyone a bit of a laugh, then these puking pumpkins are perfect. When you empty the pumpkin at the start, keep all the sludge and seeds to one side for later. Then just carve normal pumpkin faces (make the mouths big) and position them outside. Then, drape the sludge out of their mouth and onto the floor. Just make sure that you clear it up the next day.
14. This Toothy Grin
Cocktail sticks come in pretty useful in many of these looks but for this one they are a design feature in themselves. Create a wide mouthed pumpkin design (it can be pretty easy and basic) and then just stab cocktail sticks in where there would be teeth. This pumpkin looks scary and evil and will also cast a pretty cool shadow across the ground.
15. A Demonic Horse
To finish off this list, we’ve chosen a really unique design. This demonic horse is both a sinister and artistic pumpkin that you’re bound to want to copy. Though it will definitely require some skills to pull it off, you could create a more simple design based around the Celtic knot pattern that frames this horse.