Pros and Cons of Rushing a Sorority at ESU

Deciding whether or not to rush a sorority at ESU is usually a tough decision for students. There are plenty of things to consider before deciding which choice is best for you. I, personally, decided against joining a sorority. However, I know many girls that have and I have been able to gather a lot of information from their personal experiences to make this list. Check out these pros and cons of rushing a sorority at ESU to help you make the best decision!
You’ll expand your social circle.
If you’re shy (or even if you’re a sociable person), rushing a sorority at ESU is an easy way to make friends and find new people to interact with outside of your high school group that you might feel more connected to still. You’ll meet people during the rush process and at “Greek” activities, both in sororities and fraternities, that can potentially turn into friends you keep for life. You’ll always have a built in friend when it comes to your big and your little.
There are numerous leadership opportunities.
Sororities give people with great leadership skills the opportunity to show them off through positions involving philanthropy, recruitment, and social activities. It’s a great way to gain leadership experience and have fun while doing it.
You must maintain academic standards.
Pretty much every sorority has standards that members must meet academically to remain active or the student will be placed on probation. It’s a good way to make sure your grades stay where they should be.
You’re guaranteed to make great connections.
Going Greek can help with networking, too. Sometimes, including a sorority affiliation on your resume can help an interviewer identify with you (remember though, it can also have the opposite reaction). If your interviewer was in the same sorority as you, they’ll be delighted to meet a fellow sister.
It’s expensive.
It’s no secret that going Greek is somewhat expensive. You have to pay dues, put out extra sometimes to attend events and think about all the items you’ll want to buy showing off your letters. Make sure to do your research before you decide to rush so you know whether or not it’s something that you can easily afford. Sometimes there are payment plans or scholarships you can work out with your sorority, but it depends on the sorority, so just ask!
It is a time commitment.
Think about your class schedule. Okay now think about adding another schedule onto that. A lot of time being consumed, right? While meetings and some events might be mandatory, others are optional. But, chances are, because you’re so close to your sisters, you’ll want to attend any and all social events.
Per usual, there’s a stigma.
There’s a stigma of the Greek system as a whole and then there can also be stigmas or stereotypes of particular sororities. Whether these stereotypes are true or not, I have no idea. However, I know I don’t want to be attached to a system that carries stigmas along with it.
There are certain rules you need to abide by.
There are many rules and requirements, like specific study hours or attendance policies. If you’re more of a free spirit, this may not be for you.
There’s a chance of exclusivity.
Being a part of an organization that doesn’t welcome everyone who wants to join definitely puts some negative energy out there. There’s nothing cool with being part of a group of people that doesn’t make everyone feel included and welcome.
The infamous “”Hazing” scare.
Hazing is illegal and no longer tolerated on most college campuses. Recently, Greek organizations have become extremely careful of following rules that involve hazing. I’m sure you’ve heard all kinds of horror stories, just like I have. Remember, if you find yourself in a situation where you feel you are being hazed, speak up and make sure you stay safe.
If you find yourself in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable, something isn’t quite right. You shouldn’t join any kind of organization, sorority or not, that would require members to be put in danger or made to feel uncomfortable. If that happens, end the situation and realize those people aren’t meant to be your real friends.
What are some other pros and cons of rushing a sorority at ESU? Comment below and share this article with friends!
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Megan is a Criminal Justice major with a minor in English, studying at East Stroudsburg University. She's obsessed with beach vacations and Swedish Fish.