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25 Products Perfect For Anyone Obsessed With Stranger Things

25 Products Perfect For Anyone Obsessed With Stranger Things

You will definitely want to check out these 25 products this holiday season that are perfect for anyone obsessed with Stranger Things!

This summer I, and pretty much the entire Netflix-watching community, discovered Stranger Things. The plot is addicting, the cast is lovable (on-screen and off), and the 80’s style is pulled off perfectly. Since its release there has been no shortage of show-related merchandise, but below are 25 unique products for anyone obsessed with Stranger Things.

1. Eleven Necklace

A long necklace perfect for any Eleven fan in need of some new jewelry.


2. Hawkins Middle School AV Club Sweatshirt

Who doesnā€™t love a big, comfy sweatshirt…and the boys from Stranger Things? This sweater is definitely one of my favorites from my search for the ultimate Stranger Things products.

3. Dustinā€™s Hat

This is one of the most recognizable pieces from the TV show and now you can have it too! Dustin would definitely play Dungeons and Dragons with you if you were wearing this.


Ā Ā 

4. Elā€™s Waffles Candle

Candle season is upon us and waffles are always in. Make your home (or dorm) smell like Elā€™s waffles to reminisce your favorite character from Stranger Things.


5. Stranger Things Character Shirt

A good t-shirt is a must for anyoneā€™s wardrobe and oneĀ that lists the characters from your favorite show isĀ even better. Especially because this one contains a reference that only Stranger Things watchers will understand.

6. Barb Pencils

These pencils are cute and functional. And who doesnā€™t wonder every few days ā€œwhat would Barb do?ā€


7. Mornings Are For Coffee and Contemplation Mug

This is probably one of my favorite lines of the entire show (itā€™s even my twitter bio) and the fact that itā€™s on a mug makes it even better. Time for some coffee and contemplation of your own.


8. Why Are You Keeping The Curiosity Door Locked T-shirt

I lied, this is my favorite line from the series this far. And a t-shirt is something you can wear pretty much anywhere so itā€™s a constant reminder to keep your curiosity door wide open.

9. Face SheetĀ Pillow Case

The Demagorgan was definitely one of the creepier parts of Stranger Things but this pillow case is hard to pass up.


10. Upside Down Beanie

If you live in the Midwest this time of year means almost perpetual cold and beanies are a lifesaver, so why not wear one like this? And if you live elsewhere this is still a cool looking beanie.


11. ā€œRunā€ Garland

Finding new things to hang on my walls has become one of my favorite hobbies and garlands are definitely at the top of my list. Especially this garland which is an ode to Joyce Byers.

12. Stranger Things Bike Print

Prints have quickly become one of the biggest sellers on different shops around the internet. Especially ones like this which depict a well-known aspect of a loved show in a new way.


13. Stranger Things Drawstring Bag

Everyone needs a good tote and one with a great design like this one; where else are you going to keep all of yourĀ Random Things?


14. Stranger Things Cross Stitch

Iā€™ve seen cross-stitch art pieces all over my etsy profile lately and they are honestly some of the best work I have seen…especially when they have to do with stranger things!

15. Eleven EnamelĀ Pin

Pins can go practically anywhere -on tapestries, backpacks, or jackets. There are pins for pretty much everything like this one inspired by stranger things.


16. Hawkins Van T-Shirt

As I mentioned before, t-shirts are the absolute best apparel. This tee shows off one of the most iconic moments in the show, and it looks super comfy.

See Also


17. Where The Stranger Things Are Print

A combination of two classics (I already consider Stranger Things a classic) that couldnā€™t get much better.

18. Eleven Stationery Cards

This is a great piece of art and stationery is one of my greatest vices; what a perfect gift.


19. Stranger ThingsĀ Phone Case

If youā€™re like me, you canā€™t really survive without a Lifeproof case, but if I were able to handle that responsibility, this one would be my go-to.



20. Stranger ThingsĀ Laptop Sleeve

I personally like the feeling of not having a protective case on my laptop and having one of these sleeves makes transporting it so much easier. Especially if it is as awesome as this one.

21. Stranger ThingsĀ Ā Wall Clock

A wall clock might be going out of style in terms of using it to tell time, but using them as decoration certainly wonā€™t be going out of style any time in the near future.

22. Stranger Things “RUN”Ā Blanket

Absolutely everyone needs a cozy blanket…and absolutely everyone obsessed with Stranger Things needs a cozy blanket like this one.


Ā 23. Character CastĀ Long Sleeve

Whatā€™s better than a cartoon version of theĀ Stranger Things kids hangin’ out on a comfyĀ long sleeve?

24. Will Byers Rug

I will admit I would feel bad walking on the kids who had to deal with the Upside Down World, but I would love to have this rug in my room.


25. Stranger Things PillowsĀ 

Pillows are a fun way to make any room look a little more put together. And this one would work with just about any color scheme.


*This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.


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