When you move to college, you have an understanding of what the college life would be like but you don’t understand fully what it is going to consist of. Moving into college, you have the sense of freedom but don’t let the freedom make you get to wild like some kids are.
Ensure that you have a place to live once you arrive at your school. Depending on your school, you may have the choice to live on campus, off campus, or at home.
Some colleges and universities, it is required that freshmen live on campus. If you are given options, make sure to consider them carefully before you send in any signed forms regarding housing and roommates.
Remember, freshmen typically move in before upperclassmen due to them being able to get acquainted with the location and campus before the semester starts. For the exception of International students and transfer students, they may have additional orientations and therefore may arrive on campus sooner than other freshmen.
Check with your school to find out which day your activities or orientations will begin.
Your average dorm room doesn’t have much space because you’re sharing a room with one or two other people. So, if you’re moving into a dorm and not off-campus housing, there’s no need for you to bring any furniture or mattress because it’s provided.
But if you are living in an apartment off campus, you need apartment basics: a bed, a kitchen table, a couch, etc. Communicate with roommates ahead of time so you don’t double up on furniture.
The easiest way and the old fashion way is to pack up the family car and drive from your parents’ home to your living space.
You might decide to rent a pickup truck or a moving truck if you have furniture to move. If you are moving into the dorms and don’t have furniture to move, you will still need to take two cars.
Consider the number of people who are driving with you to see you off.
Small boxes are better than huge ones. Pack the small things that are transportable into containers or boxes that will be easy, light to carry from one place to the next. The worst thing is to have heavy huge boxes and containers and get on an elevator that is cramped on move-in day.
Pack base on weight. Avoid messing up your back as much as possible and by doing this you weigh plan everything that is being packed. When you weigh limit boxes, you decrease the ability and problem of overweight items from getting transported.
Look up directions in advance. Be prepared when driving to the location of the school because you don’t want to risk getting lost. It is important that you plan ahead of time and you do a few trial and error runs to get familiar with the roads if you are going to be driving to the school.
The worst case scenario is that your GPS suddenly stops working or worst your phone dies in the middle of the route. You need to just take cautionary actions to prevent any misfortune from happening that you are able to control at an extent.
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