Let’s be real for a second. Everyone’s experiences graduating college are going to be different, including my own. I’m a first semester senior right now while the rest of my peers are going to be graduating this current spring semester. So far, all my professors have been laying down the law saying now more than ever is the time to hustle and get a hype going before time runs out. As an art major, society doesn’t seem too accepting of of the arts when there’s engineers, military recruits, lawyers, etc. However, it’s important to note that everyone matters. Here’s why it’s okay to not have a plan for your post grad life.
It’s very much emphasized that now more than ever to have a solid plan after college if you are going to make it anywhere. “Perfection” doesn’t exist yet people strive for it at their own detriment. I agree that it’s a good thing to want to better oneself, but perfection can’t exist in this system that society has built up so to have a perfect plan for after college is out the window.
The answer is no one, however, no one likes hearing that. To rephrase the question would be, who exactly needs to have a plan after college? The answer is everyone. There’s no right or wrong way to live one’s post grad life after college because everyone is different. It is more than okay to not knowing what to do. No one emphasizes hard enough that graduating college is a really big deal. It means that all of us from the ages of 18 and up have accomplished something that most people haven’t. Everyone has their own back story about how they got to this point in their lives including me.
I grew up in a family of three with a single mother who didn’t know whether she could afford to buy her children new clothes each year. To be able to send any of her children to college one day, would be a miracle. Life isn’t easy and each day is a struggle. Most people only know how to survive, and anything outside of that isn’t required. It was only because she graduated from college that she knew just how important the value of education was. Not only did she survive, but she gained some skills along the way.
It’s okay to graduate college without a perfect plan, an okay plan and no plan at all. Life is unpredictable, and the most important part is to go at your own pace.
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