With everything going on in the world, we all need to keep having hope and staying positive despite all the changes happening. Sometimes just reading a quote can boost your mood and make you feel a little bit better. Read these positive quotes to put a smile on your face and will hopefully motivate and inspire you!
If you’re a Type A person, you probably also understand the difficulty of always wanting to have a plan for the present and the future. As a college student, it is easy to worry about the future as it is unknown. However, it is more productive if you focus on the present moment. The future will work out the way it is meant to, but you can’t sit around planning for it because it will just take away from meaningful moments that you’ll miss in the present. Just trust that everything will eventually work out and you will be okay no matter what.
It is inevitable that you will experience hurt and pain in your life. Life isn’t all good, but it isn’t all bad either. The truth is though if you did not experience the bad, you wouldn’t grow from those experiences. Part of growing up is actually learning that negative experiences shape the person who you are. You may be thinking “But this situation is all bad, nothing good can come from it.” It may seem all negative now, but in the future, you may feel differently. All we can do is learn from bad experiences to help us cope with other challenging experiences that we’ll face throughout our life.
This quote inspires me so much. I’m always one of those people that never really says positive things to myself. But this quote just motivates me to keep working hard to achieve my dreams and to not give up. If you are passionate about something, go for it. Yes, it may take a long time and a ton of work and dedication, but if you really want something then it will be worth it. You are stronger than you think.
Embrace who you are and love yourself for you. Everyone deserves love and to be loved. Loving yourself is easier said than done though. Society tells us that we should love ourselves, but then also says we have to look a certain way and act a certain way for us to be liked. With one scroll on social media, it can instantly make you doubt yourself and who you are. We need to start blocking out what society says and actually start embracing who we are, with our flaws included. No one is perfect, but that doesn’t mean that certain people don’t deserve to be love because of their imperfections.
If someone you know is going through a rough patch in your life, be there for them. It is always reassuring to know that when things are hard, you know that someone will be there for you and make you feel a little bit better. You can’t erase the hardships in the world, but you can choose to embrace them and be the light in people’s lives.
People admire others who have overcome adversity and have the ability to share their struggles with others. Don’t be ashamed to be going through a hard time because most likely everyone has gone through something difficult and you will just grow stronger because of it. I look up to people that hit rock bottom, but still manage to pick themselves back up and become an even better version of themselves than they were before!
There are so many problems in the world that it times it may seem overwhelming and disturbing. Like many people sometimes I wonder what’s the point of living in a world with so much evil that occurs. However, as J.R.R. Tolkien says there is good in this world and that’s what we need to live for. The good parts of life do exist and that’s the reason we continue to keep fighting every day. That’s the reason why we wake up every morning even when we just don’t feel like it anymore. Keep fighting because I promise the good in the world will come to you, just be patient.
Funny enough, this quote is actually my phone wallpaper because I just love it so much. Jane Austen wrote this in her novel, “Sense and Sensibility.” Our actions are what defines us either positively or negatively. So before you do something think if your action is going to have a positive impact on the world or not.
You are allowed to feel all of your emotions no matter if they are good or bad. You shouldn’t be expected to be in a good mood 24/7. You wouldn’t be human if you were happy all the time. So don’t be ashamed to be sad or angry; just realize that you are only human and just because you feel that way it won’t last forever.
Don’t let anyone try to tell you that you aren’t enough because you are. You are strong, brave, and amazing for even just waking up in the morning.
I hope these positive quotes give you some much-needed inspiration and motivation to get you through the day. Just keep working hard, doing your best, and everything will work out in the end.
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