20 Signs You Grew Up In Poquoson Virginia

Poquoson Virginia is a small city with a population of 12,000 and only 2 stoplights in the entire city. Poquoson is growing in popularity and is known for having move-ins, but there are certain things that only people from around here can relate to! Here are the 20 signs you grew up in Poquoson Virginia!
1. Everyone Know Everything And Everyone
In Poquoson, you cannot do anything without the entire city finding out. If you get a speeding ticket at 2pm, everyone will know by 5pm that night.
2. Being Related To At Least Half Of The City
In Poquoson, everyone is at least cousins. Everyone is related to everyone and most of my friends are actually family members.
3. Leaving Your Front Door Unlocked Because “Nothing Bad Happens In Poquoson”
If you ask everyone if they lock their door, I bet half will say “no.” Poquoson is known for being safe and quiet; which means no one has to lock their door.
4. Everyone Knows Hopie
Every city has their resident who everyone knows and ours is Hopie. Hopie is in every student section at the high school football games on Friday nights. People either hate him or love him.
5. Bugs Don’t Bother You Anymore, Especially Mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are our national bird. You cannot walk outside without getting at least 10 mosquito bites. If you grew up here, you have developed that “leather skin” where bug bites don’t matter.
6. Camo, Camo, Camo
If you live in Poquoson, you wear camouflage and half of the people who live here hunt. Camouflage is definitely everyone’s favorite color.
7. People Still Have Mullets
It is completely normal to see a mullet. In my graduating class, 3 boys had mullets.
8. When You Walk Into Foodlion And See At Least 10 People You Know
In Poquoson, you cannot just run to the grocery store and not see everyone you know. When you go to our main grocery store, Foodlion, you are going to see at least 10 people. You will stop and talk and next thing you know your 5 minute trip turns into an hour or two.
9. The Poquoson Seafood Festival
Once a year, there is a festival with crafts, seafood and games for the kids. Poqusosn goes from population 12,000 to population 20,000 that weekend.
10. Walking Barefoot Because You’ve Developed Those “Poquoson Feet”
Who needs shoes just to run outside?
11. The Hangout Is The Wharf Or The Point
In Poquoson, there is not a lot of stuff to do. People hang out by the water which is the Wharf and the Point. There’s nothing down there, but when you get a lot of friends together it is fun.
12. Every Friday Morning, PHS Students Goes To Chick Fil A
It has been a Friday morning tradition to go to what we call “Chicky.” Everyone goes and and lines up at Chick Fil A.
13. Friday Night Football
Football is a big deal in Poquoson, especially Friday night games. Everyone goes and we are all always super spirited.
14. Always Having To Explain Where Poquoson Is
A lot of people don’t know where Poquoson is or what it is. Every time I tell people I am from Poquoson, I always have to say that it is in-between Hampton and Newport News.
15. Always Getting Called Racist
Poquoson was known for being racist about 50 years ago. That reputation has stuck with the small city. Yes, some residents are racist, but it’s not all. When you tell people you are from Poquoson, they automatically assume you are racist.
16. At Least 1 Person In Your Family Is A Watermen
In Poquoson, the number one job is a watermen. Poquoson is surrounded by water on 3 out of 4 sides and is always in need for watermen.
17. Move-Ins, Move-Ins, And More Move- Ins
We are a mostly military based city. Being a military based city means that they’re are a lot of move-ins. There are always new kids and people moving in and out.
18. Bike Guy, Doug
Doug always rides around town on his bike collecting cans. He rides on the road and holds up traffic, but everyone loves him. One time he even got hit and his bike got ruined and the Poquson High School raised money for a new bike for him.
19. When The Wind Blows, IT FLOODS
Poquoson is known for floods. If the wind blows too much, it floods. If it rains too hard, it floods.
20. Poquoson Bulls Or Back River Panthers
A long time ago, the main little league football team was full and couldn’t accept anymore players. The kids that couldn’t get on the Bulls started their own team, the Panthers. Ever since then, there has been a rivalry between the two.
Do you have any other signs you grew up in Poquoson Virginia!? Share in the comments below!
Featured Image: weheartit