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15 Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories We’re Still Not Over

15 Pop Culture Conspiracy Theories We’re Still Not Over

The world is full of mysteries, but what if there are real solutions to them? Here are the top 15 pop culture conspiracy theories that have us tripping up.

I know, I know, conspiracy theories are so last year. Everyone was arguing about whether is was “Berenstein” or “Berenstain” and obsessing over the Illuminati. For most people, the conspiracy wave has passed and is long gone. But not me! I still lay awake most nights contemplating pop culture’s biggest mysteries. Here are the top 15 pop culture conspiracy theories that I can’t stop thinking about.

1. Stevie Wonder isn’t blind

This theory all started at a concert where Stevie Wonder was performing with other music legends like Paul McCartney. McCartney was singing and bouncing around the stage. In the process of that, he knocked over a mic stand, which Wonder then CAUGHT. How could this man have reached out to catch a falling mic stand if he can’t see?????? Because he’s not blind. That’s why.

2. J.K. Rowling is FAKE

When J.K. Rowling wrote the Harry Potter series, she supposedly got the entire concept while riding on the train one day. Theorists believe that there is not a chance that she could’ve come up with such a huge plot that quickly and began to come up with other rational. The most popular being that Rowling didn’t write the books at all. She is actually an actor who was chosen to portray the author so that the publishing company could sneakily create a monster franchise with the world thinking it was one aspiring artist.


3. Beyoncé is older than she says she is

Once in a radio interview, Beyoncé’s dad said that when B was a teenager, she and Gabrielle Union were friends would and would hang out a lot because they were about the same age. This got the internet going wild because Beyoncé is 36 and Union is 45. That’s a nine-year age gap. People say that there is no way that they would be friends as teenagers if there was that much of an age gap. Which led people to believe that Beyoncé has to be lying about her age and that she’s actually closer to Union’s age. However old she is, she looks phenomenal.

4. Beyoncé and Solange aren’t actually sisters

This conspiracy theory stems from the previous one. If Beyoncé is lying about her age, there must be a reason why. And people think that that reason is that Beyoncé’s little sister, Solange, is actually her daughter. The story goes that Beyoncé got pregnant at a young age (13/14, according to the timeline) and her family just passed the baby off as her sister in order to keep it under wraps.

5. Nicki Minaj and Jay Z are the same people

Okay, the theory isn’t really that Jay Z and Nicki Minaj are the same people, but if you alter their music they sure sound like the same people. If you slow down Nicki’s music, it sounds exactly like Jay Z. And if you speed up Jay Z, his songs sound like Nicki’s. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


6. Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus are governmental tools

Remember back in 2007 when Britney was losing her marbles? And then in 2013 when Miley went bonkers on the VMA’s? It was all anyone could talk about for months. It was as if the world stopped and all eyes turned to what these two women were going to do next. A lot of people think this was all a governmental ploy. If they could distract the public with the antics of a popstar meltdown, people wouldn’t be paying attention to serious things going on in the world that would’ve stirred up a lot of controversies.

7. Pokemon Go is a way for the government to spy on us

Thankfully not as many people play Pokemon Go anymore, but this one is really creepy. The app knew exactly where you were to basically the foot. It saw your every movement. What if the app wasn’t created to be a fun way to get outside and interact with people? What if it was really just a way for the government to keep track of people? It’s enough to make me never redownload that app!

8. Beyoncé faked her pregnancy

With someone as famous and seemingly perfect as the Queen Bee, people are bound to wonder. A lot of people don’t think Beyoncé was pregnant with Blue Ivy. They think that she hired a surrogate to carry the baby for her (because why would Beyoncé want to ruin her amazing body?!). The reason people think this is because back in 2011 when Beyoncé was appearing on an Australian talk show, her belly….deflated. See screenshots from the incriminating video below. Normal pregnant bellies don’t just deflate! People were convinced it was a fake belly and that the whole pregnancy was a cover-up for her surrogacy. Pop culture conspiracy theories aside, this one makes a lot of sense. But why would she lie about a surrogacy in the first place?


9. Pharell Williams is a vampire

As far as pop culture conspiracy theories go, there’s not really a lot of evidence to back this one up. Just that Pharrell Williams doesn’t appear to age. Like at all. If you look at pictures of him from the early 2000’s and then pictures from now, there is virtually no difference. This has led people to conclude that, obviously, he must be a vampire.

10. Avril Lavigne is dead

Last year, this was one of the most popular conspiracies. Years ago, Avril Lavigne had a pretty public battle with Lyme disease. She appeared to have recovered and went on with her life. Except, maybe she didn’t. People began to notice that Lavigne had changed. Her music was different, she acted differently and didn’t look the same. This led people to believe that she actually died during her fight with Lyme disease and her record label replaced her with a look-alike.

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11. The Titanic sinking was planned

Here’s a throwback in a big way: the Titanic. Around the time that the Titanic was supposed to take its maiden voyage, there was another boat that was on its last legs, the Olympic. After the Titanic sank, people began to question what really happened. Maybe the ship line switched the two boats and purposefully crashed the “Titanic” in order to claim the insurance money.

12. Rihanna can’t wink

This one is pretty goofy, and I’m not even sure it is properly allowed on the list of pop culture conspiracy theories. But: people basically just began to notice the Rihanna can’t wink. Whenever she tries to, she ends up just blinking. No matter how close she gets to winking, her other eye follows with it. Poor RiRi ):

13. The Pussycat Dolls are fakes

Most of these pop culture conspiracy theories are probably fake, but not this one! When the Pussycat Dolls got up on stage to perform, all of them, except Nicole Scherzinger, were lip syncing. Yep, Scherzinger actually was the only vocal performer in the group. The rest of them were just moving their mouths and dancing. Scherzinger has come out to say that about 95 percent of the vocals were all her.


14. Justin Bieber is a lizard person

The bigger conspiracy behind this one is that every powerful person in the world is actually a lizard person. This race of lizard people are secretly ruling the world and we have no idea about it. And apparently, Justin Bieber is one of those lizards. In a video that was recorded while Bieber was in court, you can see his eyes flicker, almost like a reptile. So naturally, he must be a lizard person! Sigh. Not all pop culture conspiracy theories can be as solid as the Dead Avril Lavigne Theory.

15. Gucci Mane is a clone

This conspiracy is that Gucci Mane went into prison and what came out was a government clone. People think this because he looks dramatically different now compared to before he went to prison. He slimmed down, speaks differently and his signature ice cream cone face tattoo isn’t as visible now. A natural physical change would be too far-fetched for theorists, so Gucci Mane must be a clone.

What do you think of these pop culture conspiracy theories? Got one to add? Leave it in the comments below!