
15 Planners For 2019 That You Will Want To Try This Year

Shop for some new planners for 2019 so you can keep your New Year’s Resolutions on track! You might have given up after three weeks in 2018. But you will be surprised at how much more you will get done if you only had a little more organization in your life. Let these new planners help make 2019 the best year of your life! The world is not ready for how awesome the new and more organized you will be. Here are 15 Planners for 2019 that you should get if you want to make 2019 your best year ever.

1. Monthly Dry Erase Planner

Don’t try to hide from your to-do lists and your events. You can’t with this planner. With its giant size and capacity for constant changes, you will never forget when you have a major assignment due or a birthday to plan for. You will need to update your calendar every month and plan out how you want to tackle the month ahead. This planner will give you a space to be worry-free about forgetting major events and be forward-thinking with your strategic planning of your next thirty days.

2.  Mead Pink Ombre Planner

Your projects stretch out over several months. You need to know where you need to be tomorrow but you need to coordinate that along with your party in July. There is also that big project deadline in March. Just thinking about having that kind of schedule and trying to juggling all that information would make anyone’s head hurt!  In this planner, you can plan for your entire year with important dates and events in three separate calendars. Map out what you need to do this week, this month, or within the next three months. It would be a great planner for any project manager or party planner that has multiple events happening simultaneously. You will definitely be able to be on top of it all!

3. Budget Planner

Adulting is hard. Budgeting money does not make it any easier. So knock off one of those New Year’s resolution and figure out your budgeting plan this year. Just imagine all the money you can save for the future and for a nice, rewarding trip somewhere when you now have a set plan for how much of your money is going where. If anyone asks you how your salary is being spent, trust that you will know how every cent was spent.

4. Kate Spade Floral August 2018 to August 2019 Planner

You do not want anything fancy or complicated. You just want a solid, pretty planner that will help you keep your life organized and you do not want to deal with all the fuss and accessories. Then, this planner is perfect for you! This planner from Kate Spade has a simple set-up of a calendar and space for weekly notes. If you need a place to organize your life and jot down simple notes, you will love how no-frills this planner is. And you would have never guessed how clean-cut the interior is when the cover is so pretty!

5. Paper Source August 2018- December 2019 Planner

Do you need a planner that will cover your yearly, monthly, and weekly plans? Don’t worry, this planner has it all! You can easily plan events years ahead if you need to and this planner will have you covered. Open your planner and you will know what day your mother’s 50th birthday lands in 2020. Not to mention, the pockets in this planner will keep all those sentimental mementos from the last year safe and protected!

6. Blue Sky Book Bound Planner

You are killing it as a busy, working woman so you deserve a professional, sleek planner that will have your back and keep your life on track. Get this book bound planner from Blue Sky. Its classy, smooth cover hides away all the messes and sticky notes and no one will suspect the jam-packed schedule within those pages. The deep pockets within the cover will keep those notes, receipts, and bills safe and out-of-sight. Inside, you can write down your events and organize small to-do lists that you need to tackle within that day. Give off the impression that you’re gliding through your active life and everyone will admire your formidable skills at handling life!

7. MochiThings Grid Paper Planner

A free spirit like you might not those planners with motivational words and structured lists. You have your own way of doing things. While you might need a little help with organization and keeping track of all of life’s crazy development, you do not want to feel stifled. This planner, out of all the other planners for 2019, gives you the most space to be your creative, expressive self. It comes with your standard calendar so you can save your important dates but it also comes with 157 pages of empty grid paper. Feel free to doodle and create your own organizational structure. This planner is exactly what you make it!

8. Meal Planner

Do you ever wander into the grocery store and do not know what to buy? You know what you do not have in your empty fridge at home but you have no idea what you want to cook for this week. Do you end up buying more produce than you actually need and then throwing the rotting food away two weeks from now? Don’t let that happen in 2019 with this meal planner! Figure out what meals you want for your week and you can organize your shopping list around the meals. You will never have to come home at the end of day and just wonder what you could throw together with the scraps in your fridge.

9. Panda Planner Pro

Productivity is a struggle that everyone has. We all want to get as much done as possible within a day. But with all the great ideas that you have bouncing around in your head, where would you even start? Get this planner to help keep your projects on track. With this planner, you will be able to figure out where your starting points are and what steps you will need to take to make sure you reach your deadlines. Also, all the motivational reminders will keep your spirits high.

10. Fitness Planner

When life gets so busy, how do you schedule in your work out and your physical health? Well, after you get this planner, you will need to! With health-based challenges and sections dedicated to mental and physical health, you will be able to keep track of your progress. Once you see how far you’ve come and how much you accomplish, you won’t want to skip that leg workout or forget about that eighth glass of water.

See Also

11. Bloom Monthly/ Daily Planner

Do you create a dream board for your new year on Pinterest? Write down all those dreams and goals for your new year within your Bloom Planner too. If you are the type of person that wants to constantly be reminded of why you are pulling these all-nighters and chugging down four cups of coffee everyday, you will want this planner in you life. The Bloom planner focuses on what you want for your life and what your dreams are for the future. Their motivational quotes push you to achieve more and more each week. At the end of year, you can look back and reflect on all the wonderful things you have accomplished in a dedicated section.

12. Happiness Planner

Mental health can become a secondary concern when life gets busy. It is important to work hard for all your dreams and goals to come true. But your mental health should not be the cost you need to pay to make sure everything works out. This planner forces you to be self-aware and to make your feelings another priority in your life. In this planner, you will have pages for meal planning, exercise, and daily life as well as daily reminders to express gratitude, have positive thoughts, and take the time to evaluate your emotional state. If you are someone who feels like they are being pulled in multiple directions and 2019 is the year you want to practice some self-care, try this Happiness planner and give yourself moments to slow down and check in with yourself.

13. Undated Weekly Planner

If your life is not like everyone else’s regular 9-to-5 and you would say your life is unconventional at best, you probably do not find those planners with all their inflexible dates and times very useful at all. Create your own timetable with the undated weekly planner! You can decide what time slots suit your lifestyle and create a planner that will match your odd hours. Your planner should accommodate you, not the other way around!

14. To-Do List Planner

Your day-to-day life is so busy. You have at least fifteen things to do within one day and you are frazzled trying to make sure you never forget a single thing. Just jotting down a single word to casually remind you about an event does not cut it for your hectic life. Don’t worry, this planner is perfect for you! With daily to-do lists for you to fill out and check off, you can write down every single errand and activity that you need to take care. You can also separate and select the top priority activity that you have to do and make that the top of your list. Relax because you will never forget that one all-important errand this year!

15. Pocket Planner

These other planners for 2019 are great and all but you are not the type of person to sit down and plan your life. You will love how small these pocket planner is. While you’re on the go and living your best life, you can quickly write down the small things and plans that you want to remember. Don’t worry about carrying around a miniature textbook just to keep your life in order; this planner will fit in any purse or back pocket so wherever you go, this planner can follow!

Did we miss any other awesome planners for 2019? Tell us in the comments!

Featured Image Source:
Joann Kong

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