10 Places To Visit After Quarantine Ends

If your are going stir crazy waiting for quarantine to end, you are not alone. Most people can’t wait to leave their houses to go out and about; driving around in the car can only do so much for your sanity. Some of you are going to see loved ones right away, while others will get self care services. No matter where you go, run do not walk to these places when quarantine ends!
1. Family
A hug for you, a hug for you, hugs for everyone! One of the first places you should go when quarantine ends is to see your family. If you’ve been in quarantine with your family consider yourself lucky. If you weren’t, then hopefully you are on your way to see them now. Spend some quality time with them by planning a game or movie night. Stop over for dinner (mom’s cooking is hard to beat) one night. Don’t forget to visit older relatives as well! Since the stay at home order was issued, they probably haven’t had many visitors. They are sure to enjoy the company!
2. Friends
Many of you have found ways to still be connected with friends during the stay at home orders. You’ve FaceTimed, Zoom called or even talked on the phone (gasp). This made it a little easier, but seeing them in person will be so much better. Once quarantine ends, seeing friends again will have a high priority! Plan a night when you can all get together and hang out. Play games or even have a bonfire. Anything you can do together with your friends will be a good time since you haven’t seen each other in so long.
3. Restaurants
Go ahead, order one of everything! Restaurants are just as excited to have you frequent them, as you are to visit them. Many restaurants have been doing delivery or carryout , but sometimes with a limited menu. After the quarantine ends, most will resume back to full services! There might be limited seating and social distancing at first. However, you favorite apps and entrees will once again be available. Treat yourself to a night out, especially after cooking dinner for weeks on end. Don’t forget to order dessert because quarantine carbs don’t count!
4. Bars
Grab your friends and get ready to hit the town. While drinking at home rates might be on the rise, nothing compares to your favorite bar. The sights, sounds and smells are one of a kind. Many bars haven’t been able to do any business unless they serve some type of food. Once quarantine ends, they will open back up and welcome their customers with open arms. Spend a couple hours in your favorite bar or make an evening of bar hoping. No matter what enjoy yourselves and tip your servers. Make sure to get home safe with a DD or Uber!
5. Retail Stores
Candles, blankets and shoes galore! Retail store are about to open back up and our wallets are ready. Whether you window shop, stroll though the aisles or actually purchase an item, stores will thank you. A lot of retail stores are struggling with the stay at home order. Some have up’d their online website inventory, while others are offering specials to attract your business. Once quarantine ends, get ready to shop ’till you drop! Now you’ll be able to visit all your favorite stores, plus the smaller boutiques too!
6. Nail Salons
Clickity clack, we need our nails back! Going to a nail salon can be a relaxing experience with something for everyone. If your feet are hurting, get a pedicure. Nails looking rough, treat yourself to a manicure. If your eyebrows are looking like a unibrow, they can wax that in the back room! Getting your nails done is a great way to give yourself some “me time”. You might be impatient to get your nails done, but so is half the female population. When salons open back up, try to make an appointment to save yourself the hassle of walk in wait times.
7. Hair Salons
If you need your hair done, you are not alone. Most salons have been closed for about two months now. When your stylist recommends getting your hair done every four to six weeks, this closure is causing some problems. So many of you have tried box hair color (don’ lie because sales are up!) or are wearing hats everyday. When salons finally open back up, everyone will be making appointments with their stylist. Not only will people need color, but your hair will most likely need a trim too! After all this time waiting, they are predicting many people will be getting an extreme hair cut or color change. Will you be one of them?
8. Vacations
“To the windows, to the wall” that’s literally how much we have been able to travel since the stay at home order has started. Once it ends, it’s predicted that a lot of you will be taking a vacation, or at least getting away from home for a few days. Now your vacation might consist of going up north for a weekend getaway. Or traveling out of state to visit family and friends you haven’t seen since all this started. Now while it is exciting to get out and travel, they are recommending staying in the United States for the time being. So it looks like that trip to Paris will have to wait a little while longer!
9. Nature
With summer quickly approaching, being outside is looking nicer all the time. Many of you have taken to going for walks to get outside for a little fresh air each day. As it continues to warm up and restrictions ease, you can venture farther from your house! Visit a nature park to walk the trails or go to a state park to ride your bikes (another skill many of you started doing again). The most important thing is to get out into nature. Not only will it feel nice being in the open air, it’s good for you too. So explore the outdoors and continue staying active.
10. Public Places
Once quarantine ends, you’ll have the freedom to go out and about as much as you want! Many of you have only been going out when absolutely necessary (hopefully). Now you’ll be able to visit all the places that have been closed. That means you can run errands again and visit more than one place a day. You should be cautious when visiting some places as social distance and mask may be the new norm for a while! At least you’ll have options to where you want to go though. Extroverts and introverts can decide for themselves when and where they want to go out again!
Where is the first place you’ll go when quarantine ends? What have you been doing to keep yourself busy? Comment and share with us below!
Featured Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/383509724500827288/
Hi my name is Kristen and I am 26 years old. I went to Central Michigan University (Fire Up Chips!). I majored in Integrative Public Relations with a minor in Fashion Merchandising. After graduation, I worked for Macy's in a variety of positions. I love shopping until I drop and consider it my cardio! I've been lucky enough to travel quite a bit and hope to do more so in the future. I am an energetic, sassy and fun loving person who loves her family (dog), friends and donuts!