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10 Places To Meet People Other Than The Bar

10 Places To Meet People Other Than The Bar

Meeting someone in a bar, is the most common way that people meet other people. But where else can you find someone to date? These are the best places to meet people besides just going to bars and clubs all the time!

Meeting someone in a bar, is the most common way that people meet other people. The bar or club, is where vast amounts of people go to unwind and have a good time so, it’s pretty much an “adult playground”. However, there are other places to meet people besides the bar!


Church is where you go to give God praise but, it can also lead to you possibly meeting someone that becomes your special someone.

Coffee Shops

Coffee shops don’t have to be just for buying coffee. While in line buying your venti caramel frappuccino, the potential love of your life could be behind you waiting to buy theirs.



Yes, you are supposed to be quiet in the library but who honestly ever is. Your new honey love could be sitting in the desk across from you reading a book on why it’s important to recycle.


The gym is another place like the bar, where a great number of people go to get in shape and look their best. You could easily find your potential love interest on the treadmill.

Music Concerts

Music concerts always bring a massive amount of diverse people together. You could be fist pumping in your seat right next to your possible new boo.



At Work

Now, the infamous saying says, “don’t shit where you eat”, because work hook ups can lead to utter disaster! However, it’s still very much possible for you to be able to find a good catch that also happens to be your co-worker.


While strolling through the park on a glorious sunny day, you accidentally bump into someone. Both your eyes meet and BAM, instant connection. (A tad dramatic and cliché but still can happen).


Your Neighborhood

Your neighborhood can also be a great place to meet someone. An attractive new neighbor who just moved into the house next door to you or the jogger who always jogs down your street, can all lead to a potential connection.

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Nail Salons

This one may seem strange, but more and more men are starting to openly love getting pedicures. Your next new bae, could be getting their feet pampered in the massage chair over from you.



Being on vacation at an awesome resort with your friends, can most certainly be a potential place you meet your future Mr. or Mrs.


You can meet people in a plethora of different places so stop only looking and going to the bar to do so!

Can you think of any more places to meet people besides the bar? Add your ideas down below in the comment section!