10 Places To Meet People When You’re Sick Of The Bar

Let’s be honest, there’s nothing wrong with meeting your significant other in a bar, but no one actually wants that to be the story they tell their children. And, for some of us, the bar just isn’t a place we will likely be… so how, and where, are the nondrinkers supposed to meet their S/Os? Fear not, if you are tired of ordering delivery for one, but don’t want to hit up the nightlife in order to meet someone, here are a few ideas of places to meet people when you’re sick of the bar.
Fun Runs-
Seriously, look up any reoccurring fun runs that go on in your community. We have a run that happens every Monday evening that ends at a brewery… it’s a perfect meeting spot. You already know the people there are active, healthy, and live in your area. For extra luck, bring your dog if it’s allowed… it’s the perfect icebreaker.
Sports Games-
College hockey games or city baseball games… the fact remains the same, these events are great for meeting people outside of your normal group, and they provide the easiest way to talk to strangers; just say something about the game you are watching. On a side note, maybe don’t meet people here if you hate sports, it would kind of be like setting yourself up for failure.
Local Hiking Spots-
This one is for the outdoorsy singles, try hiking the local spots. If you do run into someone, you already know they like doing at least one thing you are passionate about, and even if you don’t, you still get some fresh air on the weekends.
Yep, I said it; church. If you are a spiritual person and want someone who shares your values, you should probably just go to the source. I’m not saying that you should go trolling at different churches for your person, but it’s perfectly ok if you happen to notice the pretty girl who sits in front of you every Sunday. There are plenty of places to meet people.
Gun shows, car shows, craft bazaars, antique shows, the list goes on and on. All of these places are great spots to potentially meet someone who enjoys the same things as you.
Or better yet, dog parks. Parks are perfect places to meet people because people are often walking around, sitting and having a quick lunch, or playing fetch with their dogs… they aren’t on a mission, working, or trying to get from point A to point B, and that makes them approachable.
The Gym-
I really hesitate to say this because I have been driven from the gym by one too many “creepers”, but I know many people have met their S/O while getting in a workout, so on the list it goes… but with this rule; if the headphones are in, do NOT talk to the girl or boy, if they are out, approach with caution and zero creepiness. Just try not to stalk a girl from machine to machine.
Concerts/ Music Venues-
I feel like concerts, even if they are hosted inside of a bar, are very different than the bars themselves. When you meet someone at a concert, you know that both people are there for the music first and the booze second (hopefully). And you are probably shoulder to shoulder with everyone around you, so there really isn’t room for awkward introductions.
Some people call them fairs, some markets, but whatever the label, these summertime venues are full of people, people you probably haven’t met before. Take advantage of that, keep your eyes open and see if anyone happens to be in line next to you at your favorite food truck, or keeps bumping into every Sunday at the local market.
I know that some people think it’s dangerous for friends to play cupid, I can see the argument there, but friends can often be one link between you and your future S/O. Your friends know you and that person, and can probably do a better job of introducing you to someone you’re compatible with than some online dating service. And it’s nice to have friends in common if things go well.
What are your favorite places to meet people? Let us know in the comments below!
Featured image source: pinterest.com

Hi, I am Nancy Strahan. I recently graduated with my BA in English Literature and am working to gain experience in the writing/content creation business. I was born and raised in Alaska and I love it here. I am pretty much an outdoor and adrenaline junkie, so if it is crazy or in nature, I'm there. So, naturally all things camping, backpacking, and adventure related are my favorite topics to write about.