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8 Places To Hook Up At Michigan State University

8 Places To Hook Up At Michigan State University

If you go to Michigan State University, then you might have heard about these fun places to hookup at. If you haven't, check this out!

The challenge is, in college you probably are sharing a room with another person. This can make it difficult when its 2 am, and your trying to bring a guy home. Either your going to have to kick out your roommate (which won’t go over well), or try to fool around in the room quietly. Don’t sweat it though, we created the 8 places to hook up at Michigan State University besides the dorm.

1. The Student Study Rooms

Don’t want to travel too far out from the dorm? If you look hard enough there should a study room on the hall floor somewhere. The tricky thing about this is sometimes the RA on duty can be doing rounds. Chances are if there are other students obviously louder then you, your safe. Just lock the door, and be quick!

2. The Dorm Showers

The great thing about living with a non-shared bathroom is that shower sex can be a thing. The school should have provided you with unlimited access to the dorm showers. Use your key to scope out the area first to make sure no one else is there. Don’t forget to wear those flip flops, so you don’t slip.


3. The Student Laundry Room

The laundry room is the perfect place to go, when you don’t want to be heard. With all the washers and dryers going all sounds should be covered. Just know that you run the risk of accidently having someone come in to get their load. In hindsight, that just adds to the fun right?

4.The Library Stairwell

Need a study break from all those physic problems? Say no more, take your study buddy to the third floor stairwell. Always remember to go on the east side, not the west side. That way you don’t run the chance of meeting library staff or students on those stairs. If your too shy for that hit the stacks instead, enjoy!

5.The Soccer Field

Feeling a bit more daring? Why not try your luck with the local soccer field? Not only is this place abandoned at night, it offers perfect coverage. If you know what I mean. It also helps that security won’t be hanging around too much if its 3 am.

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6.Abandoned Classroom

Go to an empty classroom in any academic building at night. Chances are that the doors are always going to be open. Since the only ones that can lock them are going to be the janitors. These guys don’t end up coming to do maintenance in the rooms until midnight usually. You have time, don’t worry.

7.The Parking Lot

Let’s be real when the conversation is flowing, and you can feel the spark between both of you. Sometimes it leads to non-PG rated activities. Drive to the top of the parking garage, and park the car where the light doesn’t shine in. At least there you guys can carry out that “conversation”.


8. The Multi-Purpose Room

This should be a given, but a lot of people don’t know about it. Usually this is located on the bottom of each dorm, or even apartment complex. People either study, play games, or just hang out here. In this free space, at night, you guys can hookup on the low. Just don’t get caught.

If you live with another person, it can be hard to get “busy” with people, while they’re there. Try some of these spaces out and see how it goes. It’ll help to spice up the normal routine that you and bae have. Have any more prime locations for hookups at Michigan State University? Don’t be shy, and comment!
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