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10 Places to Hookup at USC

10 Places to Hookup at USC

Everyone loves hooking up, but it’s even more fun when you do it somewhere exciting and have an awesome story to go along with the memory. Besides, we all know how hard it is to get to know someone with roommate(s). Whether you decide to be sexually adventurous so you have something to brag about when you play never-have-I-ever or just because you need some alone time with your S.O, check out these 10 exciting places to hookup at USC!

1. The Thorton Courtyard.

Right behind the Thorton music buildings and the old Annenberg building, to the side of the Sinatra theater, there is a beautiful grassy area with hills that is shrouded by trees. In the spring there are these purple flowers that bloom and fall all over the ground, making a lavender blanket that might be the prettiest thing you’ve ever seen.

This area probably isn’t secluded enough to do any full-on hooking up, but it is definitely one of the most romantic spots on campus and would be great for a make-out session late at night.



2. The track bleachers.

Throwback to pretty much any movie where high-schoolers make-out under the bleachers. Seriously though, I don’t completely understand the appeal of getting it on laying on cold, hard metal, but for whatever reason it is pretty sexy. Bonus points for sprinting on the track if someone catches you in the act!


3. The Sculpture Garden.

Ah, yes, another grassy area. Good news, ladies and gents, this one is more secluded than the Thorton courtyard because it’s located on the edge of campus near Parkside and behind the Architecture school.

It gets pretty dark over there at night (hence “Parkside Darkside”) and there’s some pretty cool sculptures over there to “look at”/get freaky behind.

4. The tennis courts.

A step up from the track bleachers for sure, and you can count on the courts to be dark and deserted at night. The tennis courts are also surprisingly easy to sneak into because the gate tends to be unlocked for some reason….lucky us!


5. The Bovard bathroom.

Bathrooms are the standard place to have sex in public if you’re planning it or really just can’t wait to get home. So, if you’re going to knock sex in a public bathroom off your bucket list, might as well do it in a really nice bathroom in a beautiful building that happens to be central to USC’s campus.


6. The stairs in the parking structures.

Stairs are kind of hot for some reason. Maybe it’s the same appeal to cold, hard surfaces that gets us going for the bleachers…. Whatever the reason, any of the parking structures on campus are easily accessible 24/7.

Hell, why limit yourself to the stairs? Go for the inside, the roof, or even on a random car! (But don’t set off any car alarms and watch out for cameras!)

7. The Architecture building.

Architecture at USC is torturous, so students have 24/7 access to the buildings using their IDs, but a lot of times doors are left propped open or you can have someone let you in. Many of the rooms in the building also don’t have cameras in them. Put two and two together, people.


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8. The Doheny book stacks.

Take a break from studying and get lost in the book stacks of Doheny. It’s so easy to get lost in there, I promise you won’t even have to try. Hooking up in the book stacks might be one of the most “college” things you ever do, so don’t miss the opportunity!

9. The SGM rooftop.

Going to the rooftop of SGM is a USC must-do! So, while you’re up there might as well have some fun and get lucky with the skyline of LA in the background.

Whatever you do, make sure you can’t be seen though…we don’t need to break national headlines with pictures of students having sex on a roof again…yeah that happened, look it up. I dare you.

10. Last but not least…a dorm.

We can’t write an article about places to hookup at USC and not include a dorm room…I know, I know, a dorm isn’t exactly sexy or exciting, but it is practical. Let’s be real here, as much as we’d all like to believe we’re sexually adventurous around the clock, chances are most of the hookups we have are probably going to be in a bed in a room somewhere.

During freshman year that somewhere is probably going to mean in an on-campus dorm room. But hey, you might still have to get creative navigating roommates and friends seeing something that might scare them for life.

Pro Tip: Dorm bathrooms can be pretty fun too, although I wouldn’t recommend trying that if you live in a residential hall where there are community showers. Gross.


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